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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whbd18 or Thockey or anyone else, can you make the black parts of the paragons red (kinda dark red) and the eagle and the eagle writing gold? Also can you make one the opposite (Gold instead of the black, and the eagle and writing gold)


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Hey could one of you PS guys do up a vapor xxx glove in forest green

You may need to define what forest green is, but here is something I just threw together, tell me if you would like it darker/lighter etc


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Is it this sort of thing, only with the writing gold too.

to be honest, the pic res isn't that great so the text will look like balls unless I get a higher res pic

Thats great Thanks! Those are beauties

Allsmoke, can you do me one more favor and take those and make the white parts gold? Id appreicate it!

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do you want them the eagle colour or the eagle colour changed?

The eagle color the same. Just the white squares gold just like the eagle. Keep the red ones red. Thanks!

Whbd, VERY nice too thanks!

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