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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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Would someone photoshop a pic of a pair of "99" Easton Z-Air skate boots with a set of white T-blades? I realize they aren't exactly new and high tech but I am currently using the boot with Sprungs for roller and I like them so much I bought a second pair at Hockey World to mount ice blades on. They are a great deal for $49.00 if your on a budget like me. Thanks to anyone that can help.

Rick Henry

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Th,that white castle cheeseburger is lookin good.Too bad there is none in CT.

I know. I had 10 burgers and a sack of fries today B)

I'm not good with photoshop, but Vapor XXX skates with black-to-silver LS2s, black laces, and blue Xs would look sick.


THockey - there are White Castles in Detroit...there's one two mi from me! LOL...

Dammit, back to the drawing board. :lol: They just renovated the one in you're hometown. Went there today and it was totally different :ph34r: Thank god it still tasted the same.

Those look awesome

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Would someone photoshop a pic of a pair of "99" Easton Z-Air skate boots with a set of white T-blades? I realize they aren't exactly new and high tech but I am currently using the boot with Sprungs for roller and I like them so much I bought a second pair at Hockey World to mount ice blades on. They are a great deal for $49.00 if your on a budget like me. Thanks to anyone that can help.

Rick Henry


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Thanks for doing the Easton's for me. I don't know much about photoshop so I really appreciate it. Looks cool.....

Thanks Again

Rick Henry

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that stick is about as bright as the z-2 goddamn the goalie needs to get some polarized sunglasses for that thing

Hahaha, not such a bad thing then.

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Can someone design/photoshop a different looking boot for CCM? Obviously times are tight and CCM/RBK has hired Helen Keller to design this ugly looking thing!


- Maybe a Black version with a larger CCM logo in the middle

- Maybe a White trim version

Use your creativity. Anything is better than the current look.

Much appreciated!

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