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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Trips

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I just found out this morning that a friend and I have been approved for tickets to the Frozen Four next spring in Milwaukee. We put a request in for them awhile back and we just now received the email that we got them. I guess there's some kind of drawing for them in advance but if you apply early enough there's a pretty good chance to get them. Anyway, we did get them. Now if only my favorite

team(s) can make it there....

Also, my wife and I are flying up to Grand Forks the first weekend of December and then driving the rest of the way to Roseau MN to watch the Rams play a game on Friday and Saturday. During the day on Friday, to kill the time, we plan on taking a tour of the Christian Brothers hockey facility in Warroad. We know the coach of the Rams and he told us that he would help arrange the tour. High school hockey in the state of Minny is huge, you could almost compare it to the "Friday Night Lights" in Texas for its statewide popularity. I'm pretty excited about my trips I have planned for the upcoming hockey season and wanted to share...also to see if anyone else has something planned along those lines.

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That sucks that they don't give the tours anymore. I remember going on one a couple of years ago and found it REALLY interesting. Me and a couple of my friends tried to go on one last winter when we were in Warroad for a tourny but they were closed... I guess it wouldn't have matterd if they were open anyways. Badsk8ter if you get the chance go check out the gardens arena in Warroad, its the best arena I've ever played in, and I dunno if the team you're going to see in Roseau plays at the barn arena, but if they don't deffinatly go and check it out it's awesome.

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If you go to the Christian plant, you'll likely visit the rink in Warroad--it's in Christian's back yard (literally).

Even though Christian has stopped doing daily tours, they still give private tours on occasion. Just be nice to their brand manager. Ha ha!

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I'll keep that in mind next time I'm in Warroad :D I was sorta dissapointed in the lack of a proshop in Warroad. I went to the Marvin Home Center and they had some sticks but that was pretty much it. Does the Christian factory still have that little store in it go pios?

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I might go back to the homestead and catch Crosby's first game on 10-5...but its tough..folks are moving..haven't been to Camden yet..and the Yanks are there the week before..plus there's no life at the Continental..

mostly I plan to hit some Jr./minor hockey this year (Las Vegas, Houston, San Antonio, Wichita Falls, Santa Fe,etc) and maybe a game when I'm in Phx...

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Christian actually no longer offers tours, but I'd be happy to get you hooked up if you are interested.

Yes I am interested. As I said, we're flying/driving in on Thursday night and then the Roseau game is the following Friday night. We were hoping to tour the facility during the day on Friday, if it's possible? Thanks.

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I'll keep that in mind next time I'm in Warroad :D I was sorta dissapointed in the lack of a proshop in Warroad. I went to the Marvin Home Center and they had some sticks but that was pretty much it. Does the Christian factory still have that little store in it go pios?

Yes, the store is still in the factory. You can purchase all Christian product there.

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Christian actually no longer offers tours, but I'd be happy to get you hooked up if you are interested.

Yes I am interested. As I said, we're flying/driving in on Thursday night and then the Roseau game is the following Friday night. We were hoping to tour the facility during the day on Friday, if it's possible? Thanks.

Just e-mail sales@hockeystick.com and reference this conversation. We will get you take care of accordingly.

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My daughter's U19 team is going to play in Europe this winter. Germany, Czech Republic, and possibly Switzerland. Naturally I'm going along on that one, if I can scrape together the $$$.

They have a number of trips planned for the season: Syracuse, Detroit, Chicago, Madison, Rhode Island, and Kent OH to name a few. I will try to tag along for some of those. USA Hockey Nationals (after being in Denver last April) is in Buffalo (yuck!) in April 06. Although not my favorite town I will definitely go, assuming they make it to Nationals.

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Well since I live in DC, but my parents live in pittsburgh I plan on making some trips to pittsburgh for some pens games this year. it helps that there are 4 games around christmas so while I am home visiting the folks and in-laws I can catch a few games. Thats not much of a trip but it is hockey related. The wife has some friends in Vancouver so I may be able to convince her we should visit them during a Nucks home stand :)

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We will be taking a few trips this season. 2 Wild games, a Blackhawks game, and a 4th undecided game that will be either Blackhawks or Blues. (getting an idea where I live?)

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I'll keep that in mind next time I'm in Warroad :D I was sorta dissapointed in the lack of a proshop in Warroad. I went to the Marvin Home Center and they had some sticks but that was pretty much it. Does the Christian factory still have that little store in it go pios?

Yes, the store is still in the factory. You can purchase all Christian product there.

That place is awesome. I can remember getting 5 dollar blades and crazy northland banana blade sticks there.

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Well, I completed the first of my 2 trips that were planned for this hockey season. Hockey in Northern Minnesota rocks! It's unbelievable how big it is in that region. Hockey in that area is actually a big part of their economy. We watched Roseau play a couple of games in the old Memorial Arena. What a historical arena! Traveled to Warroad and took a little tour of Christian. They were great. (Dave, tell Rick thanks). The Wisky female team was in town to play Bemidji St. Didn't realize at the time just how good Wisconsin (female team) is. All in all, we had a great time. Though, hopefully next time it'll be a little warmer (temps were below zero to about 5 Fahrenheit for the highs).

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When I turn 19 at the end of March me and a few friends are going to go to Canada. On the way we're gonna try and see a game in Buffalo, then the falls, then maybe a game or 2 somewhere in Canada.

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