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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Explaining "snap your wrists" to a newbie?

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My wife is starting a basic hockey class in September and has been working on her shooting fundamentals.

Her wrist shot mechanics are very good (nice weight transfer, puck travels from heel to toe along the blade, points stick at the target) except she doesn't understand what I mean when I say to "snap your wrists" and I can't figure out how to explain it to her.

How do you explain this concept to someone?

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I had the same problem with my wife. If your wife golfs, it may be easier for her to understand. At the bottom of the golf swing, the wrists snap (or should snap a little) and that's fairly similar. Another concept I used with my wife is the throwing motion of a frisbee. I told her that her top wrist should snap just like if she was throwing a frisbee with that hand. She totally figured it out then.

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"Twist your hands / turn a doorknob", "pretend you are turning a wheel", or "pull with the top hand / push with the lower hand".

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very classy.... <_< Try to picture actually snapping, or "slapping" the puck with your wrists directly at the end of the followthrough. Its a short, compacted strike that is crucial for propelling the puck with good velocity.

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