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Half Helmet Shield... what's a good one?

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Most of the guys I play with wear no shields or half shields... and I'd like to convert from my full cage for two reasons. One, to see better (especially at my feet), and two to make it safer for the other guys out there.

I haven't really read many posts on here about helmet shields. Does anyone have any input? I'd like something with average protection... no tint or color... and it needs to fit on a Bauer 5000 helmet. Oakley seems like it's one of the top brands out there and gets some good reviews. Maybe the "Oakley Pro Straight Visor" would be a good choice?

Any opinions or advice would be appreciated.

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Being an official in ice and inline hockey I have gone through 3 visors since my eye injury. I currently wear the Oakley Aviator and think strongly of it. However, I am soon going to be switching to the Oakley Straight Cut Small. Think about what you want out of the visor and how much you are willing to spend. I reccomend Oakley. Or, you can use the visors that they use in leagues like the OHL, QMJHL, and WHL. The Itech HX-50. I don't reccomend that visor because I don't like the way it looks. That is just my opinion though.

Just a few ideas

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I think pretty much all visors do a good job. The way a visor looks should be the last important feature when it comes to protecting your eyes. I think buying the ITECH FX50 is much cheaper in the long run. Instead of buying a whole new sheild and going through the installation part all over again, you buy the replacement visor and it snaps in.

Go to the store and try them on. Your choice will be clear (LOL).

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I like the oakley straight small but that may be a radical change for you. Personally, I use the Itechs right now because they are so much cheaper than the Oakleys.

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I really don't understand how you switching from a full cage to a half shield will make "it safer for the other guys out there." If anything, it will make YOU less safe. If you are comfortable in a full cage, that will keep you the safest.

I have been an official for USA Hockey for 9 years, I started wearing a visor 2 seasons ago. Mainly, because the manufactures started making optically correct visors and they weren't so dorky looking like the Itech RBE I and such (Officials do care about how the look on the ice). Plus, I have been hit above the eye twice, with a puck and stick, and required stitches both times.

I started wearing the Itech "HS22 Pro Wave" visor, which I didn't like because the airflow was really strange and seemed to be directed right into my eyes, making my eyes water like crazy. So I switched the Oakley "Pro Straight Small" which solved that problem.

I wouldn't recommend the "pro straight small" for a player because it offers only a minimal amount of protection. The Oakley "aviator" and HX50 visors are fairly large and offer the most protection, but I never liked the looks of them. The HX50 seems very bulky, although I have never worn one.

Going with the Oakley "Pro Straight (without the vents)" or the Itech "HS22S Straight Cut" is probably your best bet. They offer a good amount of protection and don't look bulky. A few officials and players around me wear the "Pro straight" and they like it.

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I really don't understand how you switching from a full cage to a half shield will make "it safer for the other guys out there." If anything, it will make YOU less safe. If you are comfortable in a full cage, that will keep you the safest.

I was thinking the same thing. If it were me, I would be more concerned with my eyes and face. If others choose not to wear a visor or cage, then they are accepting the risk of being injured. Given that, If I were to swithc from my cage it would probally be for the Itech FX-50.

My 2 cents worth.

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I have used the Aviator style for 6 years now (was called 1Xcel before Oakley bought them). They do offer the most protection but luckily I'm 6'3" and don't get a lot of sticks in the face.

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We had a good visor vs. cage conversation not too long ago. Here it is.


Edit: I guess I should add my two cents to your specific question of what's a good half helmet shield, which I assume you mean visor.

I use the Itech HX 50 system. Due to it's mounts it does weigh more than many others, but compared to a cage it's still night and day.

I like the HX50 system because it's a decent sized visor and the quick release is great. Before each game I pop off the visor and give it a good cleaning and anti-fog treatment.

If it's a humid rink and fogging becomes an issue, about half way through the game I pop off the visor that's fogging and put my spare in. Piece of cake!

My final point is cost. You get two replacements for the price of one Oakley.

Good luck,


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i use the hx50

it is pretty good

one good thing/bad thing is that it sits further off your face, so may fog less, but you could get a stick up there...

some visors are soo tight, you'd be lucky to slip a dime between the shield and your nose

other thing is the first time i used it, i noticed it was a bit heavier, but i got used to it after a couple weeks.

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Rather than start a new topic...

I'm taking a referee course in October, so I'll need a half visor...

Is the RBE I or RBE Pro any good? They're cheap and fit my student budget...


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Rather than start a new topic...

I'm taking a referee course in October, so I'll need a half visor...

Is the RBE I or RBE Pro any good? They're cheap and fit my student budget...


Where do you live? Canada requires officials to wear CSA certified visors. Alot of the guys from what I hear wear the HX-50 half shield.

USA Hockey does not require officials to wear certified visors but strongly reccomends wearing one.

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Rather than start a new topic...

I'm taking a referee course in October, so I'll need a half visor...

Is the RBE I or RBE Pro any good? They're cheap and fit my student budget...


Where do you live? Canada requires officials to wear CSA certified visors. Alot of the guys from what I hear wear the HX-50 half shield.

USA Hockey does not require officials to wear certified visors but strongly reccomends wearing one.

Hong Kong, it says so in his sig. :) On topic though, when I reffed, I used an HS22 straight shield. Not too expensive, with good protection.

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Rather than start a new topic...

I'm taking a referee course in October, so I'll need a half visor...

Is the RBE I or RBE Pro any good? They're cheap and fit my student budget...


Where do you live? Canada requires officials to wear CSA certified visors. Alot of the guys from what I hear wear the HX-50 half shield.

USA Hockey does not require officials to wear certified visors but strongly reccomends wearing one.

Hong Kong, it says so in his sig. :) On topic though, when I reffed, I used an HS22 straight shield. Not too expensive, with good protection.

HS22 from what I hear is a good one. One thing that you have to consider in buying a half shield, is that does your hockey association require your shields to be certified?

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With the Itechs, I prefer the HS22 over any of the others. It's what I use right now, as we don't sell Oakley but we do have Itech. I have the HS22wave and it looks a little bug-eyed but it works for me and my big-ass nose.

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Rather than start a new topic...

I'm taking a referee course in October, so I'll need a half visor...

Is the RBE I or RBE Pro any good? They're cheap and fit my student budget...


Where do you live? Canada requires officials to wear CSA certified visors. Alot of the guys from what I hear wear the HX-50 half shield.

USA Hockey does not require officials to wear certified visors but strongly reccomends wearing one.

Hong Kong, it says so in his sig. :) On topic though, when I reffed, I used an HS22 straight shield. Not too expensive, with good protection.

HS22 from what I hear is a good one. One thing that you have to consider in buying a half shield, is that does your hockey association require your shields to be certified?

Nope. No need to wear a certified visor...

We go by IIHF rules here... :P

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Rather than start a new topic...

I'm taking a referee course in October, so I'll need a half visor...

Is the RBE I or RBE Pro any good? They're cheap and fit my student budget...


Where do you live? Canada requires officials to wear CSA certified visors. Alot of the guys from what I hear wear the HX-50 half shield.

USA Hockey does not require officials to wear certified visors but strongly reccomends wearing one.

Hong Kong, it says so in his sig. :) On topic though, when I reffed, I used an HS22 straight shield. Not too expensive, with good protection.

HS22 from what I hear is a good one. One thing that you have to consider in buying a half shield, is that does your hockey association require your shields to be certified?

Nope. No need to wear a certified visor...

We go by IIHF rules here... :P

Ok. In that case. I reccomed the following:

ITECH visors:

+ HS22 Straight Cut

+ ITECH Aviator

+ ITECH Pro Wave Half

+ ITECH HX50 Half Shield


+ Oakley Aviator

+ Oakley Modified Aviator

+ Oakley Straight Cut

+ Oakley Straight Cut Small

I am currently wearing the Oakley Aviator visor. I will soon be getting the Oakley Straight Cut Small.

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Rather than start a new topic...

I'm taking a referee course in October, so I'll need a half visor...

Is the RBE I or RBE Pro any good? They're cheap and fit my student budget...


Where do you live? Canada requires officials to wear CSA certified visors. Alot of the guys from what I hear wear the HX-50 half shield.

USA Hockey does not require officials to wear certified visors but strongly reccomends wearing one.

Hong Kong, it says so in his sig. :) On topic though, when I reffed, I used an HS22 straight shield. Not too expensive, with good protection.

HS22 from what I hear is a good one. One thing that you have to consider in buying a half shield, is that does your hockey association require your shields to be certified?

Nope. No need to wear a certified visor...

We go by IIHF rules here... :P

Ok. In that case. I reccomed the following:

ITECH visors:

+ HS22 Straight Cut

+ ITECH Aviator

+ ITECH Pro Wave Half

+ ITECH HX50 Half Shield


+ Oakley Aviator

+ Oakley Modified Aviator

+ Oakley Straight Cut

+ Oakley Straight Cut Small

I am currently wearing the Oakley Aviator visor. I will soon be getting the Oakley Straight Cut Small.


Can't find Oakleys here...

The ITechs that I can though are priced like...

RBE Pro: $30

Prowave, Aviator, Straight Cut: $60

Are the HS22s worth that much more?

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I'm pretty sure that the Prowave and the Straight cut are both versions of the HS22. Not sure about the Aviator, but it probably is.

The HS in HS22 stands for Half-Shield, right?

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I'm pretty sure that the Prowave and the Straight cut are both versions of the HS22. Not sure about the Aviator, but it probably is.

The HS in HS22 stands for Half-Shield, right?

It maybe. I am not sure though.

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I'm pretty sure that the Prowave and the Straight cut are both versions of the HS22.  Not sure about the Aviator, but it probably is.

The HS in HS22 stands for Half-Shield, right?

It maybe. I am not sure though.

The HS22 comes in standard, aviator and wave. Same visor, all optically correct.

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