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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks of Fury

Thumb knuckle abrasion from Gloves

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Anyone get these scrapes from your hand down on the stick when shooting? ie Right hand for right handers.

Lately, I have been getting these and I wonder if it is just the glove or because it may be small and rubbing the knuckle a bit. Or maybe they are cheap gloves?

I can't stand it cuz it makes me want to shoot with less power for fear on scraping the knuckle....

I also did a bad tape job on the glove because the palms are torn out very severly.

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On a few models of gloves, I have had abrasions on the back of my knuckles, but never on my thumb. Are the gloves brand new? It may need a little break-in time if they are.

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i had that problem when i got my first set of eagles recenty. I wasn't used to the non split-fingers. It was just a matter of break-in time for me though. Seeing as your palms are worn out, i assume your gloves are old. If you're not in the market for new ones, i'd tape my knuckles if it was affecting me that much

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i had that problem when i got my first set of eagles recenty. I wasn't used to the non split-fingers. It was just a matter of break-in time for me though. Seeing as your palms are worn out, i assume your gloves are old. If you're not in the market for new ones, i'd tape my knuckles if it was affecting me that much

Thanks for the idea of taping the knuckle area...I was going to put a wimpy bandaid on it but I doubt it would last long there.

I got these


Hespeler F35's but I feel the palms were very thin and when they broke down it had losts of holes and seems easy to tear.

I haven't seen this type of palm before but it wasn't the real cow leather type. It looks like something weaker.

*Don't have to read the bottom part but just babbling.....

Also I think the palms tore off because the stick I was using was a TPS Rubber and when I take the slap shot the palms rotate with the stick tearing near the stitching of the palms and eventually the palm area and the thumb part.....

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if your knuckles are really raw, put some neosporin or other ointment on them (that'll keep them lubed) , then bandaids, then throw a thin strip of hockey tape over the bandaid. Not too much though, cuz then you won't' be able to bend your digits.

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i remember trying on those gloves at sport chek before, and all that i could remember was that the thumb lock was terrible, and was umcomfortable because it would rub against my thumb knuckle even in the store

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To me it just sounds like the gloves don't fit your hand as well as they should. I've had the same feeling with some gloves when trying them on and they always were just gloves that didn't work with my hand and fingers.

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