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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A Long Term Time Out

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I haven't played competetive hockey in about 3 years now. I am just a drop in/open skate guy right now.

And now I am back in school and working again so I think I will have even less time for what little playing time I do get.

Any of you find you had to take a break from hockey to get settle into a career or some other phase of your life and if so do you or did you ever fear you'd just never get back into it?

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When I was younger, I took a half-year out of hockey. Not quite as long as your break but being that little, I just wanted to play again.

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I had to quit after marrying. It just wasn't in the budget; I ended up sitting out five years. Hopefully, that's the last time that ever happens.

There's something about chasing that little black piece of rubber around the ice....

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I stopped for about 3 years after my son was born. I thought I would be consigned to watching on TV for the rest of my life. Then, the company team was short, and I was playing again. Now I'm playing on 3 teams + pickup + coaching my son's team. I can't thank the company team organizer enough.

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I've had some long breaks in my hockey lifetime..about 5 years off while in school etc..but now even though I've been home less than 100 days this year..build it into my schedule..

early in the year..only thing I could do on Mon nights was play roller ..so i do..now that I'm home more..I've started back on the ice..(skated 6 days last week) and look for leagues that coincide with my current travel schedule..

the gf knows that even if I had a junk weekend and a bad flight..I'm napping all day monday and lacing up the skates that night...so I can be somewhat normal on tues/wed..which for those who know me is still pretty off....

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Had to take a year out for an injury (ACL Tear) in 97... it was hard to see my team mates battling it out on the court, when i'm sitting on the sidelines...

had to take another 9 months out two years ago... this time MCL injury on the same knee..

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Those stories sound about right. I remember when I was a kid, some guy at drop in was talking 'bout how after highschool he had to get a "life"........a career, marriage, kid and he had to quit hockey for a few years.

At that age, I thought to myself, how can someone not have the time to go out and play at least once or twice a week just to have a little fun.

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