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Datsyuk sign with Russian Team

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"I think I am worth at least what (Dany) Heatley or (Joe) Thornton got from their deals," Datsyuk told the Russian media.
The 27-year-old All-Star centre, who reportedly turned down a $5 million offer by Detroit was apparently looking for a deal of at least $6 million with the Red Wings.

Heatley's NHLPA bio

2005/06 Compensation:    $3,500,000.00

Evidently he's confused.

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good for him...5 millions and still not okay..well f*ck off...if i could get 100 000 when i will be working i would be more than happy

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Well it deffnetly sucks that I wont get to see one of my favorite players play, I deffnetly think they should of signed there young guns first instead of there older players. I would of liked to see detroit put together a better team for stevy's possible last year.

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Well it deffnetly sucks that I wont get to see one of my favorite players play, I deffnetly think they should of signed there young guns first instead of there older players. I would of liked to see detroit put together a better team for stevy's possible last year.

Giving him $6M + would have been a major mistake. He has never averaged a point per game in the NHL and his playoff numbers are well below his regular season averages. That isn't the type of player you pay "franchise player" money in my opinion.

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if datsyuk isn't a franchise type player then i don't know who is. that guy has got some mad skills but he is still a jerk... we all know that most russians would push their own mothers out of the way to score a goal but i guess this just tells you that they'll also do it for money. ;)

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There's no way Datsyuk should be getting any more than a guy like Tanguay ($3.23 mil). His agent needs to give his head a shake.

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Well it deffnetly sucks that I wont get to see one of my favorite players play, I deffnetly think they should of signed there young guns first instead of there older players. I would of liked to see detroit put together a better team for stevy's possible last year.

Giving him $6M + would have been a major mistake. He has never averaged a point per game in the NHL and his playoff numbers are well below his regular season averages. That isn't the type of player you pay "franchise player" money in my opinion.

I do agree he shouldn't be wanting so much money, I just rather see him in detroit were I could actaully see him play.

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I just can't see how Holland thinks his team is going to score enough goals with out him and possibly Zetterberg in the lineup but this is Holland were talking about so he could easily pull something out of his ass or be sitting on some prospect that has slip through the cracks.

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I just can't see how Holland thinks his team is going to score enough goals with out him and possibly Zetterberg in the lineup but this is Holland were talking about so he could easily pull something out of his ass or be sitting on some prospect that has slip through the cracks.

Or they could use the money to sign several free agents to fill the holes in the roster.

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