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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Christian or any wood blades?

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I am really interested in a composite shaft and wood blade combination. I love the idea of custom blades from Christian at their website, although I love the standard Modano curve so maybe they have one I can just order off the shelf.

But my question is that I always heard Christians weren't very durable and they were so thick. Is this still the case? I like thin, kind of stiff blades as I love my Modano Synergy SL and Mission L2 Elias. But I want to try a wood blade because I hear from many the feel is better and might even be a hrader shot with the flex of the wood blade. Please help.

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The new christian blades are not the same as the old ones, thank god. The better models are very thin and fairly durable. I was getting 2-3 games out of my TPS R2 wood blades but I can get 10 out of my Christians if I baby them. Things like removing the tape after every game really help prolong the life of a wood blade, regardless of brand. I've never broken my customs, they eventually just get too mushy for me. If you don't mind that, you will get more life out of yours.

The ULTRA lite are the best blades, diamond lite are very good as well, ignore the pro-rite. My customs were ultralights, and I've sold a bunch of diamondlites without any problems.

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Any update on my order chadd?

AS I told you last week, they are making the blades as they were not in stock and it will be a couple weeks.

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Chadd. Thanks for the reply. I will order some to give it a try. What would be the closest stcok pattern, close to a Modano? Or a little more curve would still be OK, like the Elias which is just a little more heel curve, at least to my eye.


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Chadd. Thanks for the reply. I will order some to give it a try. What would be the closest stcok pattern, close to a Modano? Or a little more curve would still be OK, like the Elias which is just a little more heel curve, at least to my eye.


#1 is intended to be a Modano clone.

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Chad, last question. With a Christian wood blade, which Intermediate shaft? A HArrow, L2(Very Hard to find in Intermediate), Mission L2....What would you recommend for an average sized 13 year old? Thanks

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Chad, last question. With a Christian wood blade, which Intermediate shaft? A HArrow, L2(Very Hard to find in Intermediate), Mission L2....What would you recommend for an average sized 13 year old? Thanks

I hate to suggest shafts with such little info.

I like the Christian int, it's a 60 flex and an easy transition from a jr flex. Plus, it's under $90 if I remember correctly. If you want/need a 75 flex I would go with the L2 if you want durability or the R2/r2xn10 if you want better performance. Last time I looked I had a bunch of L2 ints, maybe I'm sitting on a goldmine and I don't even know it. :blink:

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Any update on my order chadd?

AS I told you last week, they are making the blades as they were not in stock and it will be a couple weeks.


The order may take some time. I ordered mine back in april and im still waiting. Im hoping the wait is near the end cause im getting antsey to use them but when there done, there done. Just keep in mind custom takes time but usually is worth the wait.


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Any update on my order chadd?

AS I told you last week, they are making the blades as they were not in stock and it will be a couple weeks.


The order may take some time. I ordered mine back in april and im still waiting. Im hoping the wait is near the end cause im getting antsey to use them but when there done, there done. Just keep in mind custom takes time but usually is worth the wait.


May, June, July, August is 4 months since you placed a custom order. That is way too long to wait. Did the factory close down for the summer or what?

Try Sher-wood, I think it may take a bit less time!

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chadd, couple of quick questions on the christian 60 flex shaft. is it tapered? about how much does it weigh? with the plug, how long is it?

Tapered, no idea on weight, no plug.

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Any update on my order chadd?

AS I told you last week, they are making the blades as they were not in stock and it will be a couple weeks.


The order may take some time. I ordered mine back in april and im still waiting. Im hoping the wait is near the end cause im getting antsey to use them but when there done, there done. Just keep in mind custom takes time but usually is worth the wait.


I've had other orders come in since then, I'll have to call Christian again.

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Thanks, your time to check is greatly apprectiated :)


BTW, Captainzbubble, these arent customs, Im just getting retail drurys....Just letting you know ;)

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