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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AHHH.... I don't really know what to say... I'm just venting.. But can anyone help me in the least.. First less than one month ago my best friend whom I had known for ten years drowned.. I went to his funeral recentley AND THEN when i get home from school today i learn that my great grandmother has just died... I was extremley close with her and now her funeral is tommorw and i honestley don't hink i can go... Physically i can be there but my mind and heart is killing me, two people who were extremley close to me have just died... This is all pretty hard to handle being just 15.... sorry... but if anyone has any advice or has experienced something like it just say anyhting.. thanks.

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Yeah I'm sorry to hear that too. I'd do what A_Steeves said and go do something that you love to do (hockey) or atleast something to get your mind off of it.

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When you think of either one, remember the good times you had. If you were close, that shouldn't be hard for you and it's the best way to honor them. That said, you can't dwell on the negative aspects of life. Things like this will happen to your friends and family for the rest of your life and it's one of the bigger "downers" related with getting older. Best wishes to you and your family.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your horrible losses. Im my opinion, I think that you should go to your great grandmother's funeral. It's a good way to remember all of the great times you had with her and to commemerate her life. She would want to see you there and I think that it would be good for you to be there surrounded by your family. Hang in there.

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I am sorry to hear of your losses.

I know your heart is aching, but I think you should go to the funeral; otherwise, you may regret later that you did not. It will give you the opportunity to speak with other family and friends, rather than holing up by yourself. Although you might not think you feel like talking, I've always found it better to talk through my problems and pains rather than internalize.

What will help with the pain? Time. My father died when I was eleven, and I can tell you that you never forget, but the sting lessens. At first, I thought about him every day, then every few days, then every week, then every month, and now a few times a year. Sometimes I think about him with sadness, but mostly I think about him with understanding, for that is what my life has been for thirty years.

The point I'm trying to make is you will get over the aching loss. And I believe knowing that you will one day get by the pain helps you to heal sooner.

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i'm really sorry too for your losses. really.

all i can say it's go to your grandmother's funeral. even if you don't want to see anybody. if you don't feel to talk, well, don't do that. just say hi to everybody there, and that's all.

time will help you, Jason is right. i lost my best friend in 1992, and in the past yrs i saw my other best friend and my wife loose a parent. it take time, really long time in some cases to start thinking about who is no more between us without pain and sadeness. Try only to forget this moments, i know it's not easy, but try only to remeber them as less as possible, and force yourself to remember only the good time you had with them, as chadd said. only this and time, long time in some cases, will help a little...

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I have had the same feeling. First my Grandmother who i was very close to passed away, which started everything. Then a few months later my Aunt passed away, then 2 years later my Grandfather passed away who i was really really close to, he would come in for every christmas. Believe me this past one was really hard for me. Then EXCATLY i mean to the date excat of my Grandfathers passing my dog of 9 years passed away from cancer. I knew he wasnt well, because he had his up a downs in the past month, but i went away for my class trip for a week to Quebec and i came home to hear that he was put down. That was one of the hardest things i had to cope with. All in all i agree with Nacho, it is a good thing to go to hear of all the good things that happened instead of the bad. Thats what really helped me. Also being there to help your other family members cope with it.

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Sorry about your losses. Keep positive and think of the good things. Most of all - talk to someone about your feelings. Don't keep them held up inside. Things will get better over time.

Go to the funeral. It may be hard to do, but you don't want to regret not doing it later in life.

Good Luck and keep your head up..

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I would suggest surrounding yourself w/ a great "support" group. By that I mean your friends and family so that you can comfort each other.

Bearing emotional burdens on your own puts a HUGE strain on your state of mental well being.

And Chadd is right. Whether your religious or not the fact that you have great memories of them means they can still be a part of your life even though you can no longer be part of theirs.

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I too pass on my condolences, and I would offer this as advice, don't be afraid to see a counselor. Like everyone on here said its good to talk it out and not internalize your feelings, but having people to talk to, especially people who are trained to help you is always a benefit. Also remember it does get better and its ok to be happy eventhough you are mourning.

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Also remember it does get better and its ok to be happy eventhough you are mourning.

Very well said, Freq. Some people do appear to feel quilty showing happiness in times of sorrow. Yet, what would any of us want for those those who survive us? We'd want them to remember the happy times.

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