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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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home heat molding?

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Use the search function, there were a lot of topics there.

But in view its the best way to skate them in and let it happen naturally.

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no its not. for a graf you should heat mold them as they can be heat molded as many times as you want. but to save 25-50$ i wouldnt do it at hoem and shell out the coin.

heat molding helps the break in process and if doen properly wont hurt durability.

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If you do decide to do it at home, make sure you put the skate on a towel, on a pan. Then turn the oven OFF before you put the skates in. I haven't read the epuck article in a while so I don't recall exactly what it says.

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I did it sucessfully,I preheated the oven at 200 ,put a damp towel on a baking sheet and left them in for 8 min each skate.

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i always was wondering...do Heat mold them...lower the durabillity?? or like if the guys who heat them...heat them for too long??( i got my skate baked today....but it seem to had been long...)but again...i don't know about baking skate and time it should be...so i can't complain about his job lol...

is there any ''law'' about baking a skate?

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