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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lindros's Gloves..

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what i find interesting is that he isn't even wearing the 8000 helmet... maybe one to many hits in the head has only made him dumber. if you look real close he seems to have that glass eye effect... :rolleyes:

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what i find interesting is that he isn't even wearing the 8000 helmet... maybe one to many hits in the head has only made him dumber. if you look real close he seems to have that glass eye effect... :rolleyes:

I have yet to see anything proving the 8000 is better for concussion prevention than a 5000 or that the 5000 is better for concussion prevention than any other helmet.

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Not to mention that he got more concussions with the 5000 than he did with the 3000 with the regular foam...

I was under the impression he never had one with the 3000.

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I think it's just the glove with a traditional scheme...

Pizzakid - yes, but the harder EPP foam doesn't cushion the head the way the softer vinyl nitrile foam does...

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