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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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depends where...if its in a tourny...i just get him back at the end with a cheap shot...so i dont get kickd oout of whole tourny for fightin..if its just a league game...you might get kickd out of next game..but just scheudule a pointless exepidtion game.....so there fore..kick his ass seabass~!

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I'm not a fighter and I've really never been in anything too nasty. The biggest tip I received was by Kelly Plager (the nephew of legendary NHL fighter Bob Plager and son of Barclay Plager.) He said the biggest key to winning a hockey fight is to throw and land the first punch. I'm assuming the reason being to throw the guy off balance as quickly as possible.

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  All Torhs Team said:
depends where...if its in a tourny...i just get him back at the end with a cheap shot...so i dont get kickd oout of whole tourny for fightin..
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You pussy.

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Yeah that shit aint cool....you don't cheap shot people.....As for fighting, as said, hold on to his strong arm with your weak and swing away with your strong arm, and land the first punch. And hope y ou never face a lefty.

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  All Torhs Team said:
depends where...if its in a tourny...i just get him back at the end with a cheap shot...so i dont get kickd oout of whole tourny for fightin
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See its people like you that give hockey a bad name, and the main reason our sport is on the fringe of legitimacy.

As per the topic... The best advice I can give you from my experience is that the ability to move while clinched is unmeasureable. Make sure that you realize that its a punch in the face contest and you will get hit... keep your head up and aim your punches (jaw/chin, eyes, and nose are key areas). Balance is also extremely important... if you find yourself in a no movement clinch, tug & pull is the only way to open up spots and you can only do this with a stable base and good balance. Also a lil trick I picked up along the way is to slide your elbow pad down to your hand area before you start throwing (as many leagues have a rule about removing extra equipment in preperation for a scrap) this is a very subtle way to get extra throwing ability w/o the possibility of getting an extra misconduct.

Also remember that timing is key... and you don't gain any points by jumping someone.

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mmmk.....so im guessing you guys didnt read my whole post? because the point of playing in a tourny is ..well..play in a tourny...not havin to watch cause you got one fight. and people like me are the reason our sports dyin? no...if you ask people...they say..."hockey is all fights"...and "you cant go a game with out a fight"..I know that is not true....but that is the reason our sport is dyin...because there are so many fights in young ages and minors.

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All Torhs what level do you play? i believe you were pissing and moaning about kids trying to break your sticks because they were jealous they didnt have them. the way you posted here reminds me of one of those shitty house league tourneys where when a team knows theyre out they get all shitshow and start awful fights, and when i say awful i dont mean beating someone up, i mean like scruffing your gloves on their cages, pointless

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  All Torhs Team said:
mmmk.....so im guessing you guys didnt read my whole post? because the point of playing in a tourny is ..well..play in a tourny...not havin to watch cause you got one fight. and people like me are the reason our sports dyin? no...if you ask people...they say..."hockey is all fights"...and "you cant go a game with out a fight"..I know that is not true....but that is the reason our sport is dyin...because there are so many fights in young ages and minors.
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How about instead of a cheap-shot, you dump the puck into his corner and run the hell out of him? It's legal, and doesn't make you look like a bitch.

As for fights, Tie up his strong arm, try and jab him with it if possible and throw with your other hand. Watch Belak, he's a good fighter to learn from as he's picked up alot of good habits over the last 2-3 years and he went from league speed bag to a top 5 heavyweight. If your losing, and know your going to lose, tuck in tight and tie him up. As long as your tucked in tight and he can't extend his arms and really get ya.

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  warrior37 said:
All Torhs what level do you play? i believe you were pissing and moaning about kids trying to break your sticks because they were jealous they didnt have them. the way you posted here reminds me of one of those shitty house league tourneys where when a team knows theyre out they get all shitshow and start awful fights, and when i say awful i dont mean beating someone up, i mean like scruffing your gloves on their cages, pointless
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well...seems that you have read one of my posts...but none of the others...if you are going to try to prove someone wrong with using there own post agianst them...maybe you should read all of there posts not just there very first one. so ill update you.

I play Midget AA ice. along with highschool varsity for the side

for roller i play AAA 16u and AA 18u.

and obviously the post you were refferring to you had no clue what it was about.....i was talking about why people are being jerks....i dont care about my stick. SO..uh.....go get in your fights if it will make you feel tougher or what ever....and ill be here playing AAA and lmao.

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well i dont care about roller hockey aaa or midget aa "lmao" oh and HS Varsity, theres a pat on the back :)

edit: PS lots of good fighting there right? kid i played were fighting was only a five minute penalty and we took our lids off before we went at it too

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um......good job?......

so ....... you laugh at me for being at the level i am at? well...you may be at a higher level because you are older...but for my age.....this is the best hockey a kid can play...the highest levels....and didnt i say high school varstiy is on the side...i go to liike ten games....so....go fight and get a five minte penalty...woopdee-f-in doo.....your such a "bad ass"

so would you like to share with us your high levels of competition?..since im so shitty and all we'd love to hear how great you are!

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All Tohrs - Grow up. Use proper grammar. You had to know saying you intentionally cheap shot people instead of fighting wouldn't go over too well. It had little to nothing to do with what he asked. In the future, if you can't directly answer a question, ask how will this help, either myself or other members, if I post a response.

Warrior - Please, just end this now. Either don't respond, or just end it. It's not helping anything, everyone who has posted agrees what he does and is doing is wrong.

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