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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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anyone Know of teams in Leeds, UK

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Hi Guys.

Ive just started at leeds uni, but the roller hockey team isnt running at the moment so i was wondering if anyone knows of any teams that are based in Leeds. Ive tried to find some, but havent had much success. Hopefully someone can help me!


Pod :blink:

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Hey pody,

have a look at www.buiha.org.uk

university ice hockey in the uk,

if your just after roller then have a look at other unis that are near you i guess.

Take it easy

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Sheffield Uni has a roller team. When I saw the Leeds Uni team they were pretty good.

Also BIPHA Central run's out of Virtual Ice rink in Rotherham. Many teams in South Yorkshire area.

Depends on your level of play. There is also a Rec league that runs out of Skate Central (formally Queens Road ice rink in Sheffield).

Our club has teams both in BIPHA and Rec.

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I am supposed to be club captain of the leeds uni team

however due to problems in communication between the union and ourselves(they did not contact us and generally screwed up) the team has no trainin venue or official capacity this year.

However we will still be playing in the uni roller national finals(as reigning national champs) so drop me an email at superstar_kt@hotmail.com and ill keep u updated...what position do you play??

also most of the uni players also play for a team in BIPHA Leeds Mad Dogs...same name as the uni team. They train on a thursday night and saturday afternoon and play in BIPHA north east at rotherham. Again email me and ill put you con the right track to contacting them

who did u use to play for??

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