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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got new skates!

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I just picked up a pair of Bauer Classic Golds ($85 brand new!!!!!!!!!!!!) and have 2 questions.

1) The holder (Tuuk LS) size is a 263 and the skate is a 7.5d. I currently have 7.5ee Supremes and those have a 272. Are my new ones wrong? Comparing the 2 skates, the 272s obviously come to the end of the toe and heel while the 263s don't. Anyone know?

2) I have always wondered why after baking skates they tell you to wait 24hrs before playing in them. Once they cool to room temp what's the difference? They will still be room temp tommorow. Anyone know?

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Apparently bauer does not put the same size runner in all skate models of the same length. That is why you have to order runners by the number stamped into the plastic holder, not by the skate size.

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The skate width also plays into which size runner goes on the boot. The 7.5 EE does take the 272(duh!) but the regular D width on the 7.5 takes the 263. It's one of those things you wouldn't notice until it happens to you.

As far as 24 hour cool down: Play it safe and wait. The glues that were softened during the baking now need the time to re-set. The skates may seem like "room temperature but the glues have to set up again. We always tell skate buyers in the shop that you have just invested $$$$$$$, so wait the 24 to play it safe. You could probably skate before that but then if you have a problem with the boot, well who can you blame but yourself?

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i never knew that u should wait 24 hours!! on the pair of skates i have now i had them baked and then i played in them 2 to 3 hours later :o

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Ah yes, the glues. I did not think about that. I have always listened to the LHS guys who always talked about the foams (never the glue), but was just wondering. Thanks.

Do you think I will even notice the shorter blade?

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Bauer put the next holder size on the EEs that year.

Kind of blows. I was going to pull the steel off my old skates so I could save the $25 of getting them rockered. Again...do you think I will even notice the shorter steel?

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Bauer put the next holder size on the EEs that year.

They still do. Page 55 of this years BNH catalog has the complete Tuuk Sizing Chart to match holders/runners to boot sizes/widths.

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