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Sherwood SOP colour scheme

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im looking for the link for the boston bruin pro return store which had many boston player used equipment. it has a pictuer of a sherwood SOP wood stick. im looking for pictures of it, so i can mess around with the colour, so i can determine what colour scheme to go for when i order.

thank you

also i would like to have some comments on what colour my SOP should be.

i have narrowed it down to coouple of choices:

markus naslund sherwood momentum scheme (black with white letters):


or the regular blue momentum colour scheme (blue with black/white letters, but with clear blade)


i mite not actually use the momentum graphics, but just looking for feedback on the colour scheme.

thank you berry much


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The Naslund one is really sharp looking. What is the SOP, compareable to the 9950? Also the letter on the Naslund are blue eh, just thought I'd let you know.

SOP can be any model. It stands for Special Order Pattern.

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thank you very much guys.

ive just orderd 12 of sherwood sop 5030 model), naslund momentum graphics, with navy letters. min order is 12, and they are 40 cdn a stick, yes, a bit expensive.

its going to be 85-90 flex (85 original, cut to 65 inches thus near 90 flex)

i will be posting a picture of the curve in a bit, if anyone in interested, i can sell some as well.



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Do you know if 12 is the minumum order or if you can order 6 or 8??

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