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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What curve to use for picking puck up

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It doesn't matter what stick you have. I have picked the puck up with everything from a blade that was almost straight to a goalie stick. Its just technique. If you do it once then you'll be able to do it anytime you want. The hard part is doing it on the fly...that takes a while. But i agree with working on a saucer pass...if you can saucer pass awesome then it just looks awesome.

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Is it possible to control the 'rainbow' effect on the saucer pass? I do my best to calculate distance and where my intended target will be, but sometimes I'd like the saucer to be a bit higher and then just DROP on my team-mates stick.

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Is it possible to control the 'rainbow' effect on the saucer pass? I do my best to calculate distance and where my intended target will be, but sometimes I'd like the saucer to be a bit higher and then just DROP on my team-mates stick.

Think of it like golf, you have to get used to how much power, follow through etc you need to put the puck in a certain place. As for getting the puck higher in a shorter distance think of a pitching wedge or 9 iron, angle your blade more and it will generally go higher and shorter. Just practise.

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I use fairly deep heel curves and do the Michigan move on the ice.I only tape toe to middle but,it is still fairly easy. I can do it with a lot of flex or no flex. It is definately your techinique. Practice with stick wax on your blade to get the feel of picking it up.

PS. The Hisey move is really hard, I can pick the puck up between my legs,but mess up after that. Any tips?

For the hisey you have to try and pull it through your legs in one smooth motion while spinning. It sounds a lot harder than it is. Like was said before once you get it once you'll be able to do it. I just practiced it at the start of practice when you do a few laps just firing pucks got it like the 2nd practice, mind you i was able to do the normal spinning one for la couple months before I even attempted the Hisey.

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I can do it much easier than I can do it on forehand, and I don't use wax.

i agree, because its easier to drag it forward to get the puck sort of on edge...if you can do it, you understand what i mean........

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