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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pants..new light durable

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I am shopping new pants... Going to put up my ccm 1152's

What are some protective, superlight, ultra flexible pants out there now... Cost is no option

I have always liked the CCM fit, but feel there must be a more flexible pad out there.. I will go try these on, But I will have to travel to do it, and to differnt cities, which Is why I am hoping to narrow down my choices now...


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i found that the rbk 8k's are a pretty light weight pant. They also have a system that lets you adjust some of the pads in the pant, which would help with flexibility because they pads can be adjusted to be in the correct spot for you.

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Mission M-2's are a good lightweight pant that has a ton of room to move around in with zip up inner legs. I personally love them . they are pretty protective too.

good pant IMO

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Bauer 6000's are awesome. So light and they have awsome mobility. Good ventilation too.

I had them, and got my butt kicked and bruised all over my thighs and hip flexors. Then I bought a pair of pro stock 5000's, couldn't be happier that I gave up the super light weight for something that protects so well.

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Interersting so far.. I understand the light vs pads deal..

Does easton have a respectable top pant?

I will look into those m2's wasnt impressed with M-1 tail protection

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I think that the top pants you can get though are the Nike Quest 1's. That is a very nice pant. Easton has the synergy pant. Its a nice pant, but I dont think its that light. i think that weight with pants isn't as big of a factor. If they fit correctly the weight shouldn't really even be noticable that much.

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Bauer 6000's are awesome. So light and they have awsome mobility.  Good ventilation too.

I had them, and got my butt kicked and bruised all over my thighs and hip flexors. Then I bought a pair of pro stock 5000's, couldn't be happier that I gave up the super light weight for something that protects so well.

Really? Do you block a lot of shots or what? Where do you play? I've had nothing but good results with mine.

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Bauer 6000's are awesome. So light and they have awsome mobility.  Good ventilation too.

I had them, and got my butt kicked and bruised all over my thighs and hip flexors. Then I bought a pair of pro stock 5000's, couldn't be happier that I gave up the super light weight for something that protects so well.

Really? Do you block a lot of shots or what? Where do you play? I've had nothing but good results with mine.

I play prep, I was a center last year. There's a lot of garbage hacking and slashing. The fact is though, I didn't realize how much it sucked until I got my new pants, and stopped getting all sorts of bruises.

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Missions L-5 are very good pants. ive had them for about 2 months now and am extremely satisfied. great protectoin adn mobility.

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I have the 951 Tackla pants. Light , great fit and great protection. I'd recommend them to anyone. The only others I'd get are the Tackla 5000 or 8000. Awesome hockey pants all three. :D

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I have the 951 Tackla pants. Light , great fit and great protection. I'd recommend them to anyone. The only others I'd get are the Tackla 5000 or 8000. Awesome hockey pants all three. :D

i second the 951s

i picked some up about 3 weeks ago and I am loving them

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