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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Opinions on Oakley Mace Gloves

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They're a great loose fitting glove not to mention they're on for a great price too

I ordered a pair from hockeymonkey for my first pair of gloves. I like them, I was wondering what you guys think though.. since you know much more about hockey equipment than me.


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i had a pair i got for 21 USD at dicks sproting goods. i only used them for an hour and 1/2 thought. i liked them but i just couldnt part with the eagles. i really liked the mesh guesstes, but i thought the palm would go to hell in no time.

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I found the "design" on the palm of mine odd (just a triangular shape covering the ball of the thumb area of the palm - not your usual highest wear area). However, I've had mine for AT LEAST 1 year (I think 2, actually) now and I haven't yet worn a hole in the palm (although, if I hold it up to the light I'm betting it won't be long before I see hints of daylight through it).

I play 2 to 3 times per week on average, so weight my opinion accordingly.

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Nice gloves. As previously posted a loose fitting but very protective glove. The styling is a little different from a lot of the other manufacturers but still a decent quality glove. Enjoy them! :D

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