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RBK NHL Authentic Jerseys

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I was talking with customer service today at THC/RBK. I had a customer interested in getting an NHL Authentic jersey. Well, the last time that happened was about a year and a half ago! I knew I better call to check availability. Hell, I didn't even have an RBK Authentic & Replica Catalog with a price list. Jimmy, did your rep give you one? Anyway, the customer service guy let me know that all NHL Authentics for retail were being re-crested with the new RBK and NHL logos. THC did give a 10/1 ship date(yeah, right) as when the new jerseys would be ready to go. This info might have been covered before but here is a date for delivery. Just a heads up for anybody interested.

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semi related I've heard some of the replicas have also been recrested rbk as well. I've heard people say that they've seen them in some stores. Mainly the crosby ones.

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So they are just going to recrest them?? Meaning take off the ccm patch and throw on the RBK on the same jersey...? Thats kind of crap.

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So they are just going to recrest them?? Meaning take off the ccm patch and throw on the RBK on the same jersey...? Thats kind of crap.

Do you expect THC to trash $$$$$$$$$ of inventory? Think about it. If you owned THC, what would you do?

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Yes, I did get a catalog. I don't stock to many of them because all the box stores around here carry them. I order them for folks if they want. My rep usually comes by with all his samples and I take a big load off him, that's where I get them. The price aint bad, get his price plus no shipping. :-)

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Good move, Jimmy! I am totally out of the NHL jersey market. That is just wasted $ on inventory. It used to be so strong but those days are long over.

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Good move, Jimmy! I am totally out of the NHL jersey market. That is just wasted $ on inventory. It used to be so strong but those days are long over.

Yea I agree, besides, most folks buy them at the arena when they are all pumped up about the game they are attending. They get caught up in the moment, make irrational decision and buy one at the pro shop. :) They rarely do this at the LHS, too much time to think about how they are wasting their money. ;)

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Do you expect THC to trash $$$$$$$$$ of inventory? Think about it. If you owned THC, what would you do?

Recrest them and call them replicas.

I understand why they do it, I just want one of the new RBK jerseys.

They get caught up in the moment, make irrational decision

Could not agree more. I had to stop my friend last week at a Hawks game from making the same mistake.

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Do you expect THC to trash $$$$$$$$$ of inventory? Think about it. If you owned THC, what would you do?

Recrest them and call them replicas.

I understand why they do it, I just want one of the new RBK jerseys.

Going with your decision you are now qualified to be a CEO of any of the Big 3!!

Gee, I wonder if the gamers are just re-crested with the new logos!! Duh, probably!

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Another consideration is, depending where they get their jerseys made, RBK possibly wouldn't be able to bring any new ones into the country.

I'm not sure if people are aware of this, but the US government has been in a high stakes battle with China over imports. The US didn't like that China tied its currency to ours, which means that Chinese imports are ALWAYS cheaper than US, regardless how the dollar is doing. China has agreed to alter how their currency is measured, but the US doesn't feel it will go far enough, so they've really cracked down on quotas and have threatened to impose stricter ones.

In the case of jerseys, which fall under the sweater/pullover category, the quota is 2.8 million dozen and it's been filled since May 27th. Any shipments that arrived after that date had three choices: 1) ship them out of the country, although the factories say, "No way are we taking them back"; 2) ship them to a bonded warehouse and pay hefty storage fees until the quota reopens; or burn them. :o I'm not kidding!

The same thing happened in Europe and Sweden told me they know of three companies that went bankrupt because their shipment arrived too late and they couldn't afford any of the choices. Theres's no doubt companies will try to get their product here sooner, but there's no way of knowing how soon is soon enough, so my prediction is more companies will look elsewhere for production. Consequently, I think we'll see prices rise on a lot of our apparel.

It's funny. Before I learned all this on my shipment of socks which Customs said they would gladly burn for me, I had a lot of people remark at the tradeshow how inexpensive our tracksuits are. I realize now that I hadn't factored in the anticapted bonded storage fees...... ;)

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Plus hard to make any money when the gov't charges 27% tarrif on chinese textiles. It's real difficult to know when a new tarrif is being applied. I've ordered easton bags three times this year, last time, tarrif was charged, twice before it was not.

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A large majority of our jerseys are acutally made in our factory in St. Hyacinthe, Quebec (About 1 hour away from Montreal). Those people put in some serious hours during the Flames run in the playoffs two years ago.

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Plus hard to make any money when the gov't charges 27% tarrif on chinese textiles.  It's real difficult to know when a new tarrif is being applied.  I've ordered easton bags three times this year, last time, tarrif was charged, twice before it was not.

Jimmy, I'm assuming these are bags that Easton shipped to you from Canada, yet they were originally produced in China? If so, I have an idea why you were sometimes charged duty, as well as possible recourses.

There are two codes the bags could come under. 99069925 is the code for ice hockey equipment and is duty free. 42029230 is the code for travel bags and it has a 17.6 duty rate. Customs takes a very broad view on items. If they can be used or classified as something else -- particularly if something else has a duty ;) -- then Customs says they belong to the broader category. Hockey bags are a gray area, because you and I would only use them for our equipment, but Customs might say they are a duffel bag and should be tariffed. Maybe on one of your shipments they were coded as 42029230 so you got hit up for duty.

I'm highly doubtful that you'd be able to pull off one of your recourses, but you could ask Easton to apply for a reinbursement of the tariffs they paid when the bags shipped into Canada, and then have them lower their price to reflect the money they will have returned. Think about it. Let's say the bags cost $10 and Canada has the same 17.6% tariff. Well, now Easton has paid $1.76 in tariffs. Then they ship it to you at maybe $40 and now you're paying $7.04 in tariffs on the same product. Something is messed up there because if you bought the bag from a US company there wouldn't be a second tariff applied.

Your second recourse is to ask them to ship via Canada Post. I've noticed each of our post offices seem to be too busy to worry about collecting duties. ;)

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A large majority of our jerseys are acutally made in our factory in St. Hyacinthe, Quebec (About 1 hour away from Montreal).

Corry, as I'm hearing more protectionism from Washington, that's a good capability to have.

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Dicks Sporting Good in Pittsburgh has Crosby Home jerseys (black) with the CCM and KOHO logo on them. Weird....

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