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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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t- flex shafts?

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hey all, i am deeply in love with t flex shafts. mixed with a wooden synthesis blade or bauer taper they feel amazing. by far the best feeling stick i have ever owned, wood included. the only problem is they aren't made anymore!. i was just wondering if anyone knew of a secret source for these green beauties, or if anyone had used the t- flex and synthesis shafts and had a comparison. also, did the t-flex ever come in an x long version? that would really help with the using of newer style tapered blades.

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an extra long T-Flex is essentialy a Synthesis. If you want a T-Flex just use a broken Synergy, but a broken Response with a long hossel tapered blade got the best results when compared to a T-Flex for me.

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an extra long T-Flex is essentialy a Synthesis. If you want a T-Flex just use a broken Synergy, but a broken Response with a long hossel tapered blade got the best results when compared to a T-Flex for me.

That was my favorite combo before I got my R2XN10

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i have a broken synergy that i have used a little, but it is not even remotely the same. i dunno why. i think it has something to do with the older kevlar construction, it has more feel to it than a syn imo. anyone use a synthesis? does it feel like a synergy or a t-flex?

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I have an 85 flex Tflex (older graphics) and a 100 flex (newer graphics). I'd just give them to you. They are cut though. And I'm only 5'7 so they are cut alot lol.

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that's what i use as one of my sticks now. got two of them. One took a really bad slap shot on tuesday and the kevlar and chunk of graphite is taken out on that shot. Just picked up a backup recently so phew... Works really great with the synthesis. I'm 6' but use really short sticks.

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