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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stretching skates

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Just got new skates and I noticed that after skating for about 1/2 hour, my toes begin to push on the toe caps. I wear socks when I skate and would like to keep it that way. There is a place near me that claims they can stretch the boot to almost a full size bigger. I don't need it that much, but I was wondering if it would hurt the integrity of the boot down the line.

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It sounds to me like they are talking about punching the boot outwards up towards the toe box, maybe to give you a little more room. i dont think its possible however to stretch a boot lengthwise. correct me if im wrong guys

And to ansewer the other question, punching out a boot will not hurt the structure or durability of the boot as long as its dont right.

PS. what kind of skates are they anyways ?

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Yes it is possible, growing up I've had numerous pairs stretched. It seems to narrow them as well, so punching them out widthwise is necessary as well.

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Yes it is possible, growing up I've had numerous pairs stretched. It seems to narrow them as well, so punching them out widthwise is necessary as well.

Switching to a very thin sock may help as well. I've seen guys able to change skate sizes by simply using a thinner sock.

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Yes it is possible, growing up I've had numerous pairs stretched.  It seems to narrow them as well, so punching them out widthwise is necessary as well.

Switching to a very thin sock may help as well. I've seen guys able to change skate sizes by simply using a thinner sock.

Chadd's right on this one. I broke my S500s in with a UA thin sock and now skate with regular ankle socks. If I skate with the UA socks, now, the boot feels way too big.

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If you can wait until you break them in, your heal will make a little pocket and might be just enough to keep your toes from feathering the toe cap (which is a perfect fit)

if its really bothering you get them stretched.

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I personally cant deal with this rule of thumb "feathering the toe cap".

I bought my skates with this in my mind and when i went on the ice with them i had the nastiest pain in my toes after 20 mins.

the toes bulge/swell when you stress them (i.e. hard skating in a snug tied skate) so the skate can be too small, but well, thats personal preference.

i had to sell my skates and now i got them a half size bigger and im fine.

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Nah, i want to get into the guinnes book of world records ^_^

But seriously, maybe its a rule of thumb but i would give anyone the advice to test it.

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