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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey shops that accepts paypal

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Why not just get the PayPal debit card and then you can use it anywhere? Just a thought...

How do you get paypal debit card JR?

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"Welcome to PayPal! Once you have been a PayPal member for 60 days, you will be able to apply for the debit card.

Withdraw cash from your PayPal account at ATMs!

Pay for purchases wherever you see the logo

Qualify to receive 1% cashback on purchases**

The new PayPal ATM/Debit Card makes your PayPal account better than ever.

Best of all, the PayPal ATM/Debit Card is free!"

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that nice...but something that i really do like is that paypal can be used even if you are 15yr( i started used paypal at 14yr) just with a bank account funding...

i think i'm enought mature to buy online...but can't because 10% of store do accept paypal!

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