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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector Pro or Oakley Mace Pro or Easton Airs?

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I have a pair of 13" Easton Air gloves. I have used them for a month and decided I really don't like the tight fitting style. I can get the Vector Pro gloves for a pretty good deal. It seems these are much better than the Eastons. Will the size be the same (13"). The Eastons are too tight on the palms. The Oakley Mace Pro are size 13.5". How will they fit compared to the Eastons. I will be ordering online and won't be able to try them on. I heard great things about the Oakleys too. They all look protective too. So which glove is right for me?

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Go to a local hockey shop and try some different brands on. Figure out which one fits you the best and then order it from one of the web stores. Then you won't be guessing. ;)

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Go to a local hockey shop and try some different brands on. Figure out which one fits you the best and then order it from one of the web stores. Then you won't be guessing. ;)

Please don't come to my shop to try them on. I am not a showroom for internet sites!

Thank you.

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my personal opinion is that mace are a loose fit while eastons are more tight (i would say perfect... :P ). i have eastons synergy 750 14", my brother mace 14.5". it depends how you like the gloves to fit.

best way is try them on. as for skates, protections, pants... expecially if you plan to change brand.

but don't stop only at brand names and design. find before what you really looking for in terms of comfort and fitting. only after that look at the design. i think it's the best way. (and i'm saying that because i don't like so much the design of my eastons synergy, but hey, who cares... they're perfect! :P ).

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