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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Thornton

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The original leetch and the old xtreme graphite sakic were two other good ones.

I'll agree with the Sakic, it was a small mid curve with no extra loft and a fairly decent length blade. The Leetch didn't change much when it became the lidstrom. I haven't looked at a new Lidstrom in a while to compare them.

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I don't know, I remember back when Easton sold actual pro patterns there was a Leetch that was similar to the Thorntonelli, but I thought he used a toe.

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I just remember it being around the time you could get pro blades (always seemed to be Roenick, Gretzky, Granato) in shafts and I could never find a RH model.

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I just remember it being around the time you could get pro blades (always seemed to be Roenick, Gretzky, Granato) in shafts and I could never find a RH model.

I had one of the Roenicks, I used that in my pro gold for a while. I saw a ton of the Kariyas back then as well. Is it the same curve that they made in the UG and UL version as the Leetch?

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The one that turned into the Lidstrom? No, this thing looked like a carbon copy of the Ciccarelli/Thornton. Nice subtle heel, not a lot of loft.

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I used to love the Kariya blade. Then it became Zhamnov (maybe vice versa). Anyone know if there are similar retail curves nowadays?

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