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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flex question

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Hey Im getting a XXX in an 87 flex and Ive never used anything above an 80 before....The int. flex was just bending like a noodle for me, so should I be ok with the 87? I weigh 140 lbs by the way

Also is the p88 really a 6 lie? (I know bauer stretches the truth on their stick lie)

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Didn't you use that 260 flex Nemesis before? Or that 240 flex Inno tapered shaft?

Anyway, I'd say there's a difference between 77 and 87 flex, but it is not that huge. I switch between a TPS whip flex, Inno 300 flex, and Easton 85 flex regularly. But some of the Bauer and Nike OPS 87 flexes I had were quite a bit stiffer than my 300 flexes (even though the 87 flexes are marked 280 inside of the shaft).

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i JUST bought a xx, 87 jokinen, and it feels like a 90 flex to me. i have a synergy grip 100 flex shaft, and this is whippier then that, but barely. and i'm 5'9". i think i would of been better off with a whip redlite shaft instead, but always next year.

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never used 87 flex on ice before but just flexing it at the store feel a little whipper than the 77 flex, the reason for that is because it is longer IMO. In other words there the same flex to me but the extra length of the 87 makes it more flexable. By the way iam using the apollo as and example well stick flex varies between sticks and by the way does nt the xxx have a longer tapper?

If i were you id get it unless you cutting it more than 1.5 inches and remeber the 87 has bigger shaft dimentions.

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