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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Trying to get a butt end into this broken vector

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I'm trying to get a butt end in this vector again and nothing is really working. This is a broken V110 OPS that's been cut down. I have a filed down standard easton wood blade in the other end of the stick. I got a butt end from my LHS and sanded it down to fit inside the shaft, but on the first hard pass I recieved with it the butt end broke, like it had been taken down too small. Here's some pics in comparison to a standard butt end that I took from a synergy, if it matters. The narrow pretaper part of the synergy end looks like it'd fit OK, but the rest of it is too big. As you can see, the opening is about 9/16ths of an inch wide, and almost exactly 1 inch tall. Any ideas guys?





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Get a TPS butt-end. They are a little thinner and have rounded corners. The wood is sort of softer as well compared to the Easton plugs so it will compress a little under pressure. I have managed to get one of those in a cut response which wasn´t cut much at all. Just needs a little more heat and pressure to put it in

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Like Chadd says, round off the corners. You may possibly need to carve a very shallow groove to match the inside seem on the shaft depending on how dense the wood you use is, but other than that it should be straight forward.

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Rounding off the corners isn't enough. I had to use a disc sander to shave a good bit off of every side to get my other one to fit in the shaft, and at that point it became too weak and broke.

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take a broken wood blade, that is laminated with fiberglass

i.e. easton hybrid blade, sherwod axion, anything that is reinforced.

middle is wood, which is sandwiched between fibre glass, which is sandwiched with wood.

hopefully you have one lieing around or bug a team mate

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take a broken wood blade, that is laminated with fiberglass

i.e. easton hybrid blade, sherwod axion, anything that is reinforced.

middle is wood, which is sandwiched between fibre glass, which is sandwiched with wood.

hopefully you have one lieing around or bug a team mate

Yeah, I actually just broke an easton hybrid lami today and havn't thrown the stub out yet. Never even thought of that, I'll give it a shot tomorrow.

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