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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I was just wondering if anyone has heard of Prism, i have a pair of their pants and they are really light. I believe they make gloves and goalie equipment but im not sure of their other equipment. A few years back their equipment rep came to town and was showing off equipment, I tryed on the gloves and they were unbelievably light. So I was just wondering and if so have you tryed their stuff and did you like it?

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Yes Prism is a very good company in my book. I have thier Dry-Light pants and have been very happy with them. My hockey shop sells a lot of Prism pants.

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The dude that started PRIZM started with Vaughn a few years ago went off and started PRIZM (thats the way I understood it when we strated brining in PRIZM in are store)

We sold alot of it and people were very pleased. for example PRIZM made a Velocity clone and sold it for $900 less for the same Quility. I was very pleased with the little things like all the stiching and all the small things that makes somthing high quility.

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Prism went out of business earlier this year. It was a great company that made awesome goal equipment. I still use their pads and gloves. best goal equip I've used, better than my Velo's, and $500 cheaper. They did make player pants, but that was the only player equipment they made. Prob why they failed, you really can't survive by just making goal equipment, ala Heaton, Brians, etc.

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I remeber their gloves they would have been great but i never saw them at a retail store. My LHS only sells their player pants and they are custom for my team.

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there goalie stuff wasnt the same as the velocities, the only similatiry it had was the appearance and blocks on the inside knee. it didnt have the diamond grip on the knee itself. but hey if you want an imitation go ahead but its not that great because its not the same materials being used

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there goalie stuff wasnt the same as the velocities, the only similatiry it had was the appearance and blocks on the inside knee. it didnt have the diamond grip on the knee itself. but hey if you want an imitation go ahead but its not that great because its not the same materials being used

You are so wrong. I owned a pair of velos. Wore them for 2 yrs. I also own a pair of Prisms and have sold prob 30 pairs of Prisms. The Prisms are a much better pad, better built. The velo's broke down after 1 yr, were so soft that it hampered rotation. The material started fraying after 3 months. You have to compare the Prism 9500's with the Velo 1's. Prism also made low end models, 3500 and 7500, they are nothing like the 9500.

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yeah but prisms are still knockoffs, besides the v2s so far are holding up better than the velocites. i honestly hate companies who do nothing but knock off bigger name companies.

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yeah but prisms are still knockoffs, besides the v2s so far are holding up better than the velocites. i honestly hate companies who do nothing but knock off bigger name companies.

Get serious, there are only so many ways to make a pad, every pad is a knock off of someting else. Vaughn didn't invent the goal pad, in fact he worked for another company before splitting and knocking off his own line of pads. The Aeroflex was the first 'box" pad, so are all box pads since them just poor knock offs, absolutely not. In any industry folks make exhisting products better. So, are all Easton products knock offs of others, absolutely. They didn't even know how to spell hockey and were making bows and arrows when others pioneered hockey equipment. Still, they are now well know so I guess they get a pass as being one of those knock off companies you hate.

At first, you said Prism was junk, now you are saying they are just knock offs. The bottom line is, Prism did make a better quality pad than Vaughn. They didn't pay the NHL licence fees, so they were not "bigger known" as you say.. However, a ex-NHL goalie was instrumental in the design. They were a good pad, well made. Many of my customers chose them over Vaughns. Once they touched them and tried them on, the compared the the Vaughn at $500 more, it was a no-brainer.

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