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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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dumb question about a problem with skates...

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have a pair of bauer 8000's. went to skate on them last night, step on the ice and it felt like i was skating on carpet! blades wouldnt glade in the ice at all i took about 2 strides and couldnt go anywhere? my first thought was they werent sharpened but i am not sure now. any thoughts?

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you sure someone didn't put clear tape on your blades?

We do that to kids on our team all the time.Its so funny when they go on the ice.

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you sure someone didn't put clear tape on your blades?

We do that to kids on our team all the time.Its so funny when they go on the ice.

this don't even work.

When we did it to a buddy a year ago it never worked either for us either (to my dissapointment)

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no tape, steel is fine, it does feel a little more rough then normal. i just picked these up from a pro team, they are brand new, i am betting they sharpened them bad. would a normal sharpening fix the problem?

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have you sharpened them since you've gotten them? also, ask for the hollow you normally skate on when you get them sharpened. the hollow your on may be too deep

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Probobly what happend to me as the skates i've always had before have always had some kind of edge brand new i tested it to see if it would shave a finger nail and it did so i went on the ice i couldn't keep my feet together could hardly move and it was impossible to turn

i dont think your skates have been sharpend and that rough feeling is probobly the cross grinding(i think)that all skates have from the box

are there lines going accross your blade?

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i figured it could be something as simple as not being sharpened, but i picked up about 6 pairs of skates from the team, and skated in 3 of the pairs last night, with these being the only ones with this problem. all look brand new too

we'll see i am gonna sharpen them tommorw

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