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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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River Hill

Pants Bauer 6000 or CCM 692

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I tried on both of these pants and wondering your guys thoughts. Both pants fit good and wondering which pair do you think is better for mens beer league? There is about a $20.00 difference between the two. These are the only pants around that I could find to try. Maybe these are overkill for my needs. Let me know your thoughts. I found a shop that said they were getting some 4000 and 492 in stock

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I tried on both of these pants and wondering your guys thoughts. Both pants fit good and wondering which pair do you think is better for mens beer league? There is about a $20.00 difference between the two. These are the only pants around that I could find to try. Maybe these are overkill for my needs. Let me know your thoughts. I found a shop that said they were getting some 4000 and 492 in stock

I really like the 692 pant, very nice for the $$$. Heavy duty material. WIll last years. I don't have the Bauers in stock so can't comment on them. The 492 is nice too. All you really need for beer league

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