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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf skates

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I've been on my Bauer 4000's for the past couple of years and they are finally on the verge of breaking down on me. I have read mixed reviews on Graf skates and have always wanted to try on a pair but their are no LHS from where I'm from. This issue is compounded because there are so many models to choose from. Can anybody help me out with recommendations? I will most likely order from hockeymonkey or hockeygiant unless any of the shop owners can PM me and I will gladly order through you and have them shipped to relatives in Illinois. I don't know if this is any help but I am 5'8", 165 lbs, and play mostly D but am getting rotated to playing up and mostly play a grinding style.

Any help would greatly be appreciated. Feel free to make other suggestions as I have always skated on Bauers and am also interested in getting KOR's based on the thread that was done on them.

Thanks in advance!

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Grafs are excellent skates. You wear Bauers which is on average a slimmer skate than CCM so fit shouldn't be a problem. I would go for the G3 or G5 if you'd like a slightly deeper fit. You won't be dissappointed. You may take some time to abjust to the forward lean on them. You sit more on the ball of your foot as opposed to Bauers where your more back on your heels.

If your interested in KOR skates I would make sure you fitted a pair first. I was considering them and I usually take a size eight in Bauer or Easton but I found the size eight KOR skate a little shorter lengthwise but alright in width. I think a size 8!/2 would fit fine. Ended up getting the Snergy 1300's instead because they didn't need to be heat fitted. Really didn't want to take a chance on a new brand of skates. I'll wait until KOR have been on the market a few more years until I consider them. By the way the Snergys are awesome but I don't think their for everyone.

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let me ask a graf question, if i wear 8d vapor xxs, that would be a g3 or g5? btw i have flat feet and put orthotics in my skates

id say g5 also what kind of orthotic skate orthotics or shoe orthotics also are they half or full ones

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skate orthotics, custom to xxs, full, use them instead of insoles

ok,good cause some people i know use shoe orthotics that are half length not full. so yeah if u use skates then yeah thats fine, you may need to trim abit cause the graf heel is abit tighter

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let me ask a graf question, if i wear 8d vapor xxs, that would be a g3 or g5? btw i have flat feet and put orthotics in my skates

id say g5 also what kind of orthotic skate orthotics or shoe orthotics also are they half or full ones

G5 is wider in the forefoot than XXs, G3 is a lot closer to XX fit.

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let me ask a graf question, if i wear 8d vapor xxs, that would be a g3 or g5? btw i have flat feet and put orthotics in my skates

id say g5 also what kind of orthotic skate orthotics or shoe orthotics also are they half or full ones

G5 is wider in the forefoot than XXs, G3 is a lot closer to XX fit.

For regular feet, that would be a G3 over a G5?

If the G3 then better that because it has new technology over the 703?

I know everything more or less is based on personal preference, but without a hockey shop anywhere near me, what would you all recommend?

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let me ask a graf question, if i wear 8d vapor xxs, that would be a g3 or g5? btw i have flat feet and put orthotics in my skates

id say g5 also what kind of orthotic skate orthotics or shoe orthotics also are they half or full ones

G5 is wider in the forefoot than XXs, G3 is a lot closer to XX fit.

For regular feet, that would be a G3 over a G5?

If the G3 then better that because it has new technology over the 703?

I know everything more or less is based on personal preference, but without a hockey shop anywhere near me, what would you all recommend?

G3 fits more narrow in the forefoot than G5, so for regular feet go G3 (fit like XX's)

It has a carbon outsole and different liner than 703. They come stock with Perf. steel as well. I'm missing one other thing though..

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let me ask a graf question, if i wear 8d vapor xxs, that would be a g3 or g5? btw i have flat feet and put orthotics in my skates

id say g5 also what kind of orthotic skate orthotics or shoe orthotics also are they half or full ones

G5 is wider in the forefoot than XXs, G3 is a lot closer to XX fit.

For regular feet, that would be a G3 over a G5?

If the G3 then better that because it has new technology over the 703?

I know everything more or less is based on personal preference, but without a hockey shop anywhere near me, what would you all recommend?

G3 fits more narrow in the forefoot than G5, so for regular feet go G3 (fit like XX's)

It has a carbon outsole and different liner than 703. They come stock with Perf. steel as well. I'm missing one other thing though..

Thanks, sherwood21 and ygold!

So G3 over 703.

What are you guys skating on?

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i say the g5 because hes coming from a 4000 which is a wide fitting boot itself, not as narrow as the xx. also the g5 is roughly as deep as the 4000 where the g3 or 703 is shallower in the ankle. if you want his ankle rubbing on the eyelots then go for the g3 but if you want his ankles sitting on the pad then the g5 would be the safer bet. so thats why i reccomend the g5 without seeing his foot. if he could take a pic of his foot from the front and side i could give a better suggestion

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i say the g5 because hes coming from a 4000 which is a wide fitting boot itself, not as narrow as the xx. also the g5 is roughly as deep as the 4000 where the g3 or 703 is shallower in the ankle. if you want his ankle rubbing on the eyelots then go for the g3 but if you want his ankles sitting on the pad then the g5 would be the safer bet. so thats why i reccomend the g5 without seeing his foot. if he could take a pic of his foot from the front and side i could give a better suggestion

The guy you replied to was not the guy with the 4000s.

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i say the g5 because hes coming from a 4000 which is a wide fitting boot itself, not as narrow as the xx. also the g5 is roughly as deep as the 4000 where the g3 or 703 is shallower in the ankle. if you want his ankle rubbing on the eyelots then go for the g3 but if you want his ankles sitting on the pad then the g5 would be the safer bet. so thats why i reccomend the g5 without seeing his foot. if he could take a pic of his foot from the front and side i could give a better suggestion

The guy you replied to was not the guy with the 4000s.

either way both skates dont fit generally as shallow as the g3 does. its always abit safer to go with something abit deeper and moving to a shallower boot then go for the shallower skate and getting your ankle bones cut up

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