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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Webster

how to wear in gloves

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throw em under the sink. or hose..it dont hurt em. even if my gloves arent stiff i still do it..just like baking your skates...breakin in gloves.

Actually the water isn't good for the palms and it can help create a great environment for bacteria when the padding gets wet.

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I second the skate oven. I put my eagles into my convection oven at 185 for like 5 minutes, worked like a champ. I'm currently using RBK 6k's and those needed like one game to break in, no oven needed.

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throw em under the sink. or hose..it dont hurt em. even if my gloves arent stiff i still do it..just like baking your skates...breakin in gloves.

Actually the water isn't good for the palms and it can help create a great environment for bacteria when the padding gets wet.

sure, baking the gloves is prob. a better plan, but the water idea is prob. the quickest and easiest. plus...and this is for another situation. when your gloves are crusty from airing them out or not playing for a while, just throw em under the locker room sink real quick and its fine.

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