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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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True-1 Soft Grip

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I thought there was a previous post about the True-1 with Soft Grip, but I couldn't find it. I just wanted to know what the grip felt like compared to the Yellow Synergy Grips, or Vapor XX Stick'Um's grip. Also, I heard somewhere that some people have black True-1's. Are those the grip ones, or just a new model?

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My understanding is that the black true 1's are pro stocks. Gary Roberts, Brett Hull and Kris Draper are a few that come to mind as people who have used them.

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they're all black and retail as far as i can tell. the grip was not as rubbery feeling as a synergy grip, almost as tacky. i think they were going for $320 CAN at my LHS (Just Hockey SFS in toronto) which was a huge ripoff :P.

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they're all black and retail as far as i can tell. the grip was not as rubbery feeling as a synergy grip, almost as tacky. i think they were going for $320 CAN at my LHS (Just Hockey SFS in toronto) which was a huge ripoff :P.

you dont even know cost so how can u say its a ripoff

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they're all black and retail as far as i can tell.  the grip was not as rubbery feeling as a synergy grip, almost as tacky.  i think they were going for $320 CAN at my LHS (Just Hockey SFS in toronto) which was a huge ripoff :P.

you dont even know cost so how can u say its a ripoff

If he feels it costs more than it's worth, he's free to make that decision. Regardless of your cost, that's a hell of a lot of money for a stick.

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they're all black and retail as far as i can tell.  the grip was not as rubbery feeling as a synergy grip, almost as tacky.  i think they were going for $320 CAN at my LHS (Just Hockey SFS in toronto) which was a huge ripoff :P.

you dont even know cost so how can u say its a ripoff

If he feels it costs more than it's worth, he's free to make that decision. Regardless of your cost, that's a hell of a lot of money for a stick.

well it costs a hell of alot to buy for us besides if hed been in recently he know weve dropped alot of the ops down

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its a hell of alot of money for a true1 considering they were being blown out last year fo $130 CDN. and this year the same stores have decided to stock up on innos and sell them for 300+

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