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Jason Allison

NHL on OLN...

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I agree with Theo... the extras outside of the games have been awesome... There have been so many shows on Hockey History, etc., as well as The Tournament, which is pretty funny at times.

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I agree with Theo... the extras outside of the games have been awesome... There have been so many shows on Hockey History, etc., as well as The Tournament, which is pretty funny at times.

Yeah, those are good, but there needs to be more variation. Maybe the second season of The Tournament, the championship videos of the winners from years past, and different classic games (I don't get what was so big about Colorado vs. Detroit, game 5 from 2002...and their selection of games has been VERY limited). Lord Stanley's Cup kinda gets old (because it is), and you can only watch Youngblood so many times before going crazy. I really like watching NHL On the Fly from NHL Network, though. I don't mean to complain too much, since OLN has blown any other US network to ever carry hockey out of the water, but they could change it up a bit.

On another note, did anyone catch the commercial on OLN that thanked the fans and said the network will be back in the Fall under the new moniker, "Versus"?

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i cant stand hockey on oln....im really hoping its rarely on this channel next year

Why? So nobody can watch the NHL?

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I'm hoping ESPN comes in and offers a large amount of money and negotiates a buyout of the contract with the NHL and OLN-VS.

Probably won't happen however.

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I'm hoping ESPN comes in and offers a large amount of money and negotiates a buyout of the contract with the NHL and OLN-VS.

Probably won't happen however.

Never going to happen, ESPN is gloating over the NHL's drop in ratings. That got more airtime than the highlights this year.

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