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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest Stax7

M-1 Stick Question

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Guest Stax7

Ok i got a few questions about my m-1 and if anyone could help that would be nice.

It doesnt have the m-1 logo in the middle of the stick. Just mission on the ends.

On the bottom of the name plate it has pro.

Info: 100 flex, 460grams,48 with plug,not full one peice just shaft


[edited by Hockeyshark: PLEASE if you refer to a product name that is used for multiple products (M1 for for sticks, gloves, pants; Synergy for tons of different stuff; Bauer 5000 etc.), please make it clear in your topic description WHAT product you are actually talking about.]

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Guest Stax7

Why dont it have the m-1 thing in the middle ? is it pro issued or something. Because on the nameplate it says Pro

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Guest phillyfan

It's missing the logo because, as stated, its a pro shaft. Its missing the logo because pros are allowed custom graphics. I.e.Hull

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