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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Clear TUUK Blades Back?

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Did anyone else who watched the the Toronto vs. Philly game notice the clear Tuuks' Lindros was wearing? The blades actually showed the screws coming up from the runners, my dvr rewind showed them clear as day.

Did he actually slap a pair of the old Tuuks on his favorite boot and wear them in an NHL game? If not, who's making them?

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For some cheap comedy, check out the fans in that pick.

The expression on the guys face above Domi's head is priceless. But for a better laugh, check out the "Junior Mafia" guy next to the girl in the Leafs jersey. Do people actually dress like that?? :rolleyes:

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The expression on the guys face above Domi's head is priceless. But for a better laugh, check out the "Junior Mafia" guy next to the girl in the Leafs jersey. Do people actually dress like that?? :rolleyes:

The guy would look a little more normal if he had his hat on straight. <_<

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