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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rbk 8k Pant

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The 8K retail pant comes with velcro adjustable thigh guards. The bottom of the pant basicall is just a shell over a girdle-like pant.

What Crosby wears is a normal pant (with no leg adjustment), with the pro padding.

So basically, what Crosby wears has nothing to do with what's in retailers.

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Thats some SherWood Shaft with some blade, check the RBK Skate threado r something.

There was also a sherwood momentum shaft was there not?? I may be thinking of an eclipse, but I remember seeing a sherwood shaft of some sort at hockey.com in Dover.

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speaking of this, where can i get the pro stock pants. Also, where can i get the pro stock sticks, even pro stock skates? Why can't i get the gear the pros wear?

because your not a pro... :lol:

but seriously, at the price stuff costs, I feel like we should get the good stuff too

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speaking of this, where can i get the pro stock pants. Also, where can i get the pro stock sticks, even pro stock skates? Why can't i get the gear the pros wear?

because your not a pro... :lol:

but seriously, at the price stuff costs, I feel like we should get the good stuff too

I'd like to believe we do get the good stuff for the price we pay...not all the time, but I think most of the time....the only real difference is we can't get them personalized

except for gloves and whatever sticker, or other junk you want to put onto your equipment yourself

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Pro stock bauer 5000's on ebay: 80$ CAN :D

You can get pro stock sticks and skates, you just have to basically pay twice as much for the company to make them up for you because of custom skates and custom sticks.

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The only company i know that does Custom Skates is graf. But goto your LHS and talk to them if they deal with CCM RbK

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ok, lets say i want to get custom ccm or rbk skates, how would i got about that?

Go to your local hockey store. Tell them you'd like to inquire about custom skates. Ask which models would be available, a rough price quote and what the options are. What is it you are looking for in custom skates anyways? Custom fit, stiffness, etc?

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Nike Bauer will make you pretty much anything you need...

Skates available as of now are Vapor XXX, XX, 10, Supreme 8090, 8000, Nike Flexlite 12.

You have 2 different sizes from one foot to the other, they'll make them the right size for each feet.

Want longer tongue, more padding in them, or just want them white, it's ok.

Want to have longer or shorter holders/runners. No problem. Can get Lightspeed, Custom +, perf or solid.

Have bone spurs on the sides of your feet, or on the heels... can make special punch in the skates to contour your bones.

Want the old Daoust cut, it can be made in the 8090 model.

Want XXXXX Stiff skates, no problems there as well. Retail skates nike Bauer are all #2. You can get #3 (like Lindros), or even #4, which is as stiff as a rock, and will remain stiff for ever. Or want them softer, can go down to #1 and #0...

Have messed up ankle bones? The skate will fit you like a glove if you have the right custom info down.

Flat feet? Again possible to make the perfect skate for you.

Basically, everything is possible with the custom Nike Bauer skates.

If I were you, I would try to find the nearest First Line Dealer nearest you, whether you're in Canada or the US, those FLD have had a private course this summer at the St-Jerome manufacture where NHL skates are made. They'll help you out.

The extra $ is about $100-150. Seriously, it's worth it. Crosby played with the same Vapor XX skate for a year and a half, playing 7-9 times a week... and the boots were still stiff at the end.

Check bauer.com for your nearest FLD.

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If I were you, I would try to find the nearest First Line Dealer nearest you, whether you're in Canada or the US, those FLD have had a private course this summer at the St-Jerome manufacture where NHL skates are made.

Yeahhhhh :), that's where I live.

Do you think they would do a custom color change or their skates?

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Kovy_Ribs_Fedo Posted on Oct 14 2005, 10:08 AM

  QUOTE (Jimmy_Wolf @ Oct 13 2005, 10:32 PM)

If I were you, I would try to find the nearest First Line Dealer nearest you, whether you're in Canada or the US, those FLD have had a private course this summer at the St-Jerome manufacture where NHL skates are made. 

Yeahhhhh , that's where I live.

Do you think they would do a custom color change or their skates? 

If you talk about lat's say, making an all white 8090 skate, no, they can't do that.

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impressive for sure on what they can do for custom skates.. wow... imagine they would be very well worth it if your the type who doesnt need new skates every year... there certainly is a lot of "special adjustment" to be made...

.......but Blue stitched XXX... forget it!!! ...lol :)

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iceholes Posted on Oct 14 2005, 03:16 PM

  impressive for sure on what they can do for custom skates.. wow... imagine they would be very well worth it if your the type who doesnt need new skates every year... there certainly is a lot of "special adjustment" to be made...

.......but Blue stitched XXX... forget it!!! ...lol 

thenizzle Posted on Oct 14 2005, 03:04 PM

  but can they do blue stitching on the XXX logo? 

I know the stitching on the XXX goal skate in blue, but I don't think they do it on the XXX player skate.


Also, the custom skates are also good for those players who need to chagne their skates every year, as they last a lot more if you go with the stiffer boot. You can double/triple the life of a retail skate if your custom's are well made.

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