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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Christian Hockey

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I was trying to get more info on ordering some Christian woodies through my Work but the guy who does the orders said Christian won't be around for too long anymore because of some problems? True or False?

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I dont think they're goin down...they were just bought by Harrow, and came out with a new and improved line not to long ago... Go Pios can tell you for sure..but I dont think so.

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I've been told the reason my custom orders haven't shown up is because of they can't keep up with demand.

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I was trying to get more info on ordering some Christian woodies through my Work but the guy who does the orders said Christian won't be around for too long anymore because of some problems? True or False?

I'd love to have you IM me to tell me who told you this. I'd be happy to set them straight.

I can tell you, unequivocally, that Christian is NOT going out of business. Chadd is completely right. We are struggling right now, but in a good way. We were not prepared for the amazing response we've received from our custom order program and we are having a difficult time keeping up with the demand. Because of the start of the season, we have been innundated with orders for custom blades, sticks and goal sticks. Truth be told, where we typically run 2-4 weeks on custom orders, we are now running 4-7. We have some solutions to correct this problem on a long-term basis, but none of those solutions involve us closing. We would never turn our back on this tremendous opportunity.

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yeah christian has always made real good blades, our shop doesnt stock them but we used too. I havent had many people ask for the chrisitan blades up at my shop in toronto because they last such a long time and the quality was amazing i found

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I was trying to get more info on ordering some Christian woodies through my Work but the guy who does the orders said Christian won't be around for too long anymore because of some problems? True or False?

I'd love to have you IM me to tell me who told you this. I'd be happy to set them straight.

I can tell you, unequivocally, that Christian is NOT going out of business. Chadd is completely right. We are struggling right now, but in a good way. We were not prepared for the amazing response we've received from our custom order program and we are having a difficult time keeping up with the demand. Because of the start of the season, we have been innundated with orders for custom blades, sticks and goal sticks. Truth be told, where we typically run 2-4 weeks on custom orders, we are now running 4-7. We have some solutions to correct this problem on a long-term basis, but none of those solutions involve us closing. We would never turn our back on this tremendous opportunity.

good news and info here...thx...

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yeah christian has always made real good blades, our shop doesnt stock them but we used too. I havent had many people ask for the chrisitan blades up at my shop in toronto because they last such a long time and the quality was amazing i found

The old ones sucked, the new ones are much better.

Eazys sticks are now 9 weeks out.

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