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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor XXX navy gloves

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Just had a quick question fo anyone who has seen the actual glove and not the drawing version on all the websites. Is the navy color on the XXX's more of a maple leaf's navy or a predators/panthers navy? I need ones that are the darker navy (panthers/predators).

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The XXX Navy's match up with the Oilers jerseys, so they're fairly dark. Here's a picture of my XXX's in the sunlight to give you an idea of how dark they are.


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Texhock12 Posted on Oct 14 2005, 03:02 PM

  Can someone post a picture of the Navy/Red/White XXX's? I'm thinking of buying those and have never seen them in person or a good photo. 


Like the one on that pix?

Is it just me or are those the new Nike gloves sitting between the Vapor XXX's and XX's??

Yes, they are, and I must say, given hoow dark they look in the picture, I like 'em :)

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thanks for the pics, 2nd link doesnt work for me, I'd like to see what the nike's look like and I also want to know what store the glove wall pic is taken from.

i totally second that :D

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