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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need new stick

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I need and new stick because my stealth is almost on life support. I want something comparable for feel and weight. I dont feel like droping 200 dollars again. I ved looked peranis and they had tps response plus pro-stock montador i could be wrong but i think i remeber some one saying that it was a xn10 painted. Has any one used it and tell me what the curve is like coming from easton iginla.

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i have one nice curve im not great with describing curve but id say its a sort of like a modano/drury mix more towards the drury. there a pic of it on 1800faceoff under the prostock Xn10s

its definatly a regular repsonse or a XN10 underneith the red paint has chip reviling yellow. still its a solid stick and had last me a pritty long time.

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Another option would be a retail XN-10. It's comparable to a Stealth, although the blades feel a little different. An XN-10 can be found much cheaper then a Stealth.

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I hated the original responses every timei had the puck with it i had to double check to see if it was still there.

I liked the feel of the original response much more, it was softer than the XN10. The performance of the XN10 is great but I don't like the feel that much.

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some would say NAsh or Messier... my opinions:

Nash: Mix of IGGY and Sakic

Messier: mix of Iggy Modo...

i would still say messier is more close because the nash is pretty more open curve...

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by the way, my choice for you...is to try a tapered shaft with a iggy synthesis... there is always somme good deal in the sell forum...

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