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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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xxx skates

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the outter shel part where the horizontal lines are on my xxx skates has a crack that is getting worse on it... has this happened to anyone else? and does a warranty cover this(ive had them since the middle of summer)


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its horizontally, and it was definitley not from a puck. Only 90 days...500 dollar skates should not do that imo

nature of the game man,hate to say but 500 skates now dont hold up aswell as the 300 dollar skates do

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i agree they should last longer than that, but alot of companies arent making skates to last 10yrs or even 5yrs because theres no money that way

The vast majority of sales are to kids who need new skates every 12-18 months, it makes sense that some skates are only engineered to last about that long.

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i agree they should last longer than that, but alot of companies arent making skates to last 10yrs or even 5yrs because theres no money that way

The vast majority of sales are to kids who need new skates every 12-18 months, it makes sense that some skates are only engineered to last about that long.

yes, but in this day in age where people are looking for lighter higher performing pieces of equipment then the player has to sacrifice something. i think its crap, best boot bauer made was the vapor 10(not the X) and the 7000, there only real good boot now is the 8090. even other brands there high end skates dont last long i.e graf,ccm,nike. cant say about mission because i havent dealt with them. Also alot of aaa players abuse there boots meaning they dont dry it out or maintain it properly. sucks that skates dont last longer than 5yrs

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Considering the price, they shouldn't have to sacrifice anything.

well people want a lighter skate and to make things lighter things have to be removed. if people didnt want light skates wed all still be skating on bauer custom 100's

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Considering the price, they shouldn't have to sacrifice anything.

Unfortunately, price is determined more by popularity, rather by form, fit, and function.

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Considering the price, they shouldn't have to sacrifice anything.

well people want a lighter skate and to make things lighter things have to be removed. if people didnt want light skates wed all still be skating on bauer custom 100's

People want light skates because they're dumb enough to believe the marketing and think it makes a big difference.

Unfortunately, price is determined more by popularity, rather by form, fit, and function.

And in many cases price determines popularity. I see/hear the kids that brag about how much they're gear costs and a lot of those players suck.

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oh for sure people are retarded when buying equipment thinking a 500 dollar skate will last them a lifetime the price of equipment and weight doesnt make a player its the skater themselves.best pair of skates i had were bauer comps man those were comfy that and a pair of graf 501s so soft and nice inside.

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