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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Shops in Maine

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1800faceoff is in Rollinsford NH about a 45 min drive. I've never been there but I hear it's massive.

It's a warehouse. True the warehouse is massive, but the tiny little floorplan they have out for "walk in" customers is very tiny. Just a small skate wall to the right and a tiny display to the left near the desks of the sales associates.

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Anyone know of any good shops in the Portland / Brunswick area?

If you are coming from the South, make a stop in Dover, NH at Philbricks(formerly hockey.com). I havent been in around 5 months, but according to their site, they are putting a huge addition on to it to make it the biggest hockey retailer in New England. Thats the best shop within an hour of Maine. The only place in Portland that I know of is a PIAS and its terrible.

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There is a PIAS in Portland right off 295. There is also a PIAS in Topsham, which is a little Northwest of Brunswick, it too is right off 295. Over in Auburn there is Gee&Bee sporting goods. Auburn is about 20 minutes from the Brunswick area. If you want to come a little further north the rink I skate at has a small shop in it. Don't know how far you are looking to go. But mostly we have PIAS here.

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If your coming from Canada drop by Gunns in Brewer. Great little place.

For 1800faceoff, you can ask for anything they have in there catolauge and they will go bring it out for you. I purchasesd my vapor 30's and 2 Sl's there. Very helpful.

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If your coming from Canada drop by Gunns in Brewer. Great little place.

For 1800faceoff, you can ask for anything they have in there catolauge and they will go bring it out for you. I purchasesd my vapor 30's and 2 Sl's there. Very helpful.

i was with miike then and they are very help full. they have all there prostock stick right out front.

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I live in Brunswick, When are you planning on comming up to the area? Brunswick just built a new Play It again that is a hockey superstore that will be open in 3 weeks. Dont waste your time at the Topsham PIAS they have no hockey gear. If you're here now i highly recommend PIAS in Portland which is a hockey store and GEE and BEE in Auburn like people said above.

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