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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shanny Using Warrior

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I wanna learn more about the Warrior sticks too. like when are they coming out?

hawk hockey (hockeymonkey.com) has them , atleast at the shop, my friend works there and he has one, i tried it, its a peice, so heavy and no flex what so ever but his wasnt the high end model. i'm not sure which one it was, its just grey with a black strip on it.

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hawk hockey (hockeymonkey.com) has them , atleast at the shop, my friend works there and he has one, i tried it, its a peice, so heavy and no flex what so ever but his wasnt the high end model. i'm not sure which one it was, its just grey with a black strip on it.

well alot of companys lower end modles seem to be like that.

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hawk hockey (hockeymonkey.com) has them , atleast at the shop, my friend works there and he has one, i tried it, its a peice, so heavy and no flex what so ever but his wasnt the high end model. i'm not sure which one it was, its just grey with a black strip on it.

well alot of companys lower end modles seem to be like that.

yeah i know i was trying to give some info...

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I wanna learn more about the Warrior sticks too. like when are they coming out?

hawk hockey (hockeymonkey.com) has them , atleast at the shop, my friend works there and he has one, i tried it, its a peice, so heavy and no flex what so ever but his wasnt the high end model. i'm not sure which one it was, its just grey with a black strip on it.

Just called the retail store....answer;

"Not carrying them yet. Not in stock."

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Has anyone else noticed on close-ups of the blades, they are the True-One blades? I saw Kovalev after his goal tonight and it was definately the checkerboard pattern. I haven't noticed that on Kaberle's Warriors though.

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Has anyone else noticed on close-ups of the blades, they are the True-One blades? I saw Kovalev after his goal tonight and it was definately the checkerboard pattern. I haven't noticed that on Kaberle's Warriors though.


on most of the sticks i've seen

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