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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can Low end skates be punched out

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IS it possible to have low end skates like CCM 252s or 452s punched out to make them wider, or is it only with more expensive skates that may have more stitching etc holding them together that this can be done.

Thank you

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Why spit shine a turd, son?


Punching out a skate costs about a skate around here. That's probably about 20-30% of the original cost of the skate (depending on how much you spent on them). So, ask yourself if it's worth it.

REGARDLESS, no one guarantees punching out a high end skate will work (without significantly damaging the skate). It's a risk you run even with the pricey ones.

That being said - anyone on this board ever try it?

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I know, but I am very much a beginner, and have the skates, they fit fine lengthways, but crush my feet widthways. I figured if I could have them punched out, I could get better, then invest in a better pair.

Make sense?

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To punch out a skate, they have to focus on specific areas to do it on (i.e., to my knowledge, they can widen the entire skate). So, is it one key area (say, a 1 inch area near the arch, or a place in the toe box) that is too narrow, or is it the entire skate?

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IS it possible to have low end skates like CCM 252s or 452s punched out to make them wider, or is it only with more expensive skates that may have more stitching etc holding them together that this can be done.

Thank you

The answer is yes, in fact the cheaper skates are more "leather' based and they stretch/punch easier. Cost about $15-20. If you want width, you need a stretching, not a punch.

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I'm with Jimmy... I spent $800 on a stretcher and it has put a huge smile on my of my customers faces. You would be amazed what you can do with one of those things... I like them even more now with the ovens.

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