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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jagr's stick

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Just checked out a few more of the pics on Getty and it looks like Jaromir has made the move to OPS. There are several from the first two weeks where he's using a non-blackedout 130.

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imagine how amazing washington's offense would be if jag's was still a cap... yikes... him and ovechkin... :mellow:

.....and not much else.

Semin could become a hell of a player.

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im sure ive seen either a pic or on one of the rangers games ive seen he was using a shaft/blade combo because it looked like he had a koho blade in it.

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imagine how amazing washington's offense would be if jag's was still a cap... yikes... him and ovechkin... :mellow:

.....and not much else.

Semin could become a hell of a player.

Doesn't look like he's coming over from Russia anytime soon.

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imagine how amazing washington's offense would be if jag's was still a cap... yikes... him and ovechkin... :mellow:

.....and not much else.

Semin could become a hell of a player.

Doesn't look like he's coming over from Russia anytime soon.

I thought his team was suddenly nearly bankrupt and they may allow his contract to be bought out.

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