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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Curve question

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The old Christian pattern? I think it became the Fedorov later on? In case that´s right it is this. Slight heel curve, a rather small blade, slightly open face, square toe, lie 5 or little lower even

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Don´t know. Last time I used one of those was 6 or 7 years ago. I think the Fedorov back then became the Detroit. The Hull became the St.Louis, the Robitaille became the LA and so on. That´s just out of my head, though. I could be wrong.

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Don´t know. Last time I used one of those was 6 or 7 years ago. I think the Fedorov back then became the Detroit. The Hull became the St.Louis, the Robitaille became the LA and so on. That´s just out of my head, though. I could be wrong.

SR27 is correct. Most of those patterns changed to the team name when those players stopped using Christian blades.

As for the specs on the Detroit, it is a 1/2" Mid with a 5.5 lie and a square toe. The 1/2" looks more like a 3/8" though.

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Kind of off-topic, but back in the day when you had the Jagr, Hull and Fedorov curves were they based off the pros? Because I had a Fedorov and loved it and it had the same profile as his pro one. If so, I love how you mirroed them for the other hand. The Jagr was disgusting though, like basically straight till the top. Prospal-ish at least.

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The Jagr was disgusting though, like basically straight till the top.  Prospal-ish at least.

That was my weapon of choice back in the day. The profile was rather small though. Otherwise perfect. I would die to get those today.

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Kind of off-topic, but back in the day when you had the Jagr, Hull and Fedorov curves were they based off the pros? Because I had a Fedorov and loved it and it had the same profile as his pro one. If so, I love how you mirroed them for the other hand. The Jagr was disgusting though, like basically straight till the top. Prospal-ish at least.

All of our pro patterns directly replicated what that player was using at the time. We have quite a few renditions of the Hull and Fedorov over the years, but Jagr has remained consistent. Yes, it is a disgusting pattern. It looks like a butter knife that is bent at the tip.

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Still have the patterns on file for customs?

Please say, yes! I´d be all over a bunch of the Jagr´s. Speaking of having the pattern on file. I used to have a custom with you some years ago. How long are you usually keeping them?

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Still have the patterns on file for customs?

Please say, yes! I´d be all over a bunch of the Jagr´s. Speaking of having the pattern on file. I used to have a custom with you some years ago. How long are you usually keeping them?

We keep all of our blade files for professional players. Jagr, Fedorov, Hull...we have them all and can make them with no problems. You would order them the same way you would place a custom order. Minimum of 6 blades and the turnaround time would be 4-7 weeks, depending on when you order.

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