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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Pro tacks?

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I have been floating around from brand to brand, but nothing has really worked too well in ages. I have found CCM to have skate that fits closest but just not in one skate. I liked the heel in a D width protack, but the area was pinching like crazy so I tried a wide and it felt great minus the heel being too large now. I was wondering if i could order pro-tacks with D heel Wide forefoot, and a larger toebox?

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do they have a larger toecap or anything?

That would come with the same toebox as the normal E width skate. I don't know if you can get it any larger.

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did you have the d width stretched out or heated. those two things help out quite alot in making a skate fit better. a skate will naturally soften when wearing it so i wouldnt worry alot about pinching because as the old saying goes"you can always make a skate bigger but you cant make it smaller"

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You can get a toe-box punched out, but not by much, and only in specific, concentrated areas.

Chadd, so CCM might do something like offer a regular, say, D sized skate, only with a bigger toe-box (via a custom order)? I think I might contact Jimmy just to see.....

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did you have the d width stretched out or heated. those two things help out quite alot in making a skate fit better. a skate will naturally soften when wearing it so i wouldnt worry alot about pinching because as the old saying goes"you can always make a skate bigger but you cant make it smaller"

If there is a slight pressure it can be fixed. If there is pain or significant pinching, get another skate.

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