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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor Maxx OPS

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Has anyone heard of or seen the Bauer Vapor Maxx OPS? I've seen sticks with that name at a generic sports store called Intersport in Sweden (pic below from their product folder), could it be an SMU for them? I didn't find anything when googling for this stick, and Canadian Tire don't seem to have them either. They've got the Stick'Um grip coating and are in the price range of the Vapor VI or VII.


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Dude, that is the worst photoshopped stick ever. The Maxx is from a stick called Maxx Energy. That stick's makers should be sued, because the "XX" in Maxx look like vapor XX x's, and the N looks similar to a SyNergy "n". Yeah, dude, that thing is fake for sure.

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Dude, that is the worst photoshopped stick ever. The Maxx is from a stick called Maxx Energy. That stick's makers should be sued, because the "XX" in Maxx look like vapor XX x's, and the N looks similar to a SyNergy "n". Yeah, dude, that thing is fake for sure.

now, i'm not a spelling-bee champion or anything, but I dont' see an "N" anyhwere on the stick :P , maybe it is smu or some exclusive stick in europe, like the easton 777 or something like that

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Thats a tough call.

That stick looks like a photoshop paint job, and the word "Maxx" definitely looks like it was taken from the "Energy", but i was convinced the 777 was a fake, yet last week i held one in my hands.

In conclusion, this one looks fake to me, but i wouldn't be shocked if it turned out real.

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Dude, that is the worst photoshopped stick ever. The Maxx is from a stick called Maxx Energy. That stick's makers should be sued, because the "XX" in Maxx look like vapor XX x's, and the N looks similar to a SyNergy "n".  Yeah, dude, that thing is fake for sure.

now, i'm not a spelling-bee champion or anything, but I dont' see an "N" anyhwere on the stick :P , maybe it is smu or some exclusive stick in europe, like the easton 777 or something like that

We have Easton 777 here in Canada at Cleves Sporting Goods (Source For Sports) and i assume other places have them.

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Thats a tough call.

That stick looks like a photoshop paint job, and the word "Maxx" definitely looks like it was taken from the "Energy", but i was convinced the 777 was a fake, yet last week i held one in my hands.

In conclusion, this one looks fake to me, but i wouldn't be shocked if it turned out real.

it is photoshopped, hes just giving us an idea of what it looked like

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Nope it's not Photoshopped, it's a screenshot from their catalog in pdf-format. But here is a link so you can see their hockey stuff including this stick. Click on the arrow in the lower right corner to navigate, and you can zoom in by clicking on the pages. And besides, I've actually held these at the store before and I believe it's hard to hold a Photoshopped stick in your hands. :P


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I went to that store today to check out the specs of this Vapor Maxx stick, and it seems to be the exact same as the Vapor VI, a Stick' Um coated OPS weighing 535 grams (just like the VI), the only difference other than the name is the color, it's red (not metallic but regular red), and also a little bit more expensive than the Vapor VI.

Does anyone have a weight chart for the various Vapor OPS models (including that Vapor Velocity mentioned in the post before this one)?

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