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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shifting cobra holders on a G5....

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Can most proshops shift over cobra blades on a G5 ( i realize its carbon sole) and create new holes that can be used with the cobra screws? Or is this something complicated that is very hard to do, I also imagine at the toe area that it would be tough.... What about on regular graf 700 series, Im guessing its easier???

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i mean moving the blade to a new position on the bottom of the boot, like im gonna mount the blade more on the side of the boot, then in the center... so i have to put new holes in.

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You might have problems doing that. I tried to take apart a pair of my friend's G3s, he wanted the Cobras off and LS2s put on. Once I got the screws out of the Cobras, I had a hell of a time taking out the backings. Some of them were stuck in there so tightly that the insole actually peeled away from the boot. He ended up sending the skates back to Graf to get fixed (which they didn't do correctly) so the second time I took the Cobras off, we figured out a way to get the backings out. Trying to drill through an insole that was loose proved to be very tough. Good luck...

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if u have a bench mounted drill press or no somebody who does take the holders off and if he pronates push the holder towards the drill while going up and down on the inside holes of the holder, on the outside pull the holder towards you or reverse it and do the same as with the inside,this makes like a road for the screw to slide along.

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