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Germany wins iiSHF title

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For all of you who are interested in the European IISHF championship:

Last weekend the tournament was played in Kaarst, Germany. Competitors included Germany, Switserland, Poland, Great-Britain, Denmark and The Netherlands.


Friday, 14 October 2005

1 09:00 Denmark vs. Switzerland 1:8

2 10:00 Great Britain vs. Poland 6:3

3 11:00 Netherlands vs. Germany 0:13

4 14:00 Denmark vs. Poland 8:0

5 15:00 Switzerland vs. Germany 3:3

6 16:00 Great Britain vs. Netherlands 3:5

7 19:30 Poland vs. Germany 1:16

Saturday, 15 October 2005

8 09:00 Denmark vs. Great Britain 4:2

9 10:00 Switzerland vs. Netherlands 6:4

10 13:00 Netherlands vs. Denmark 3:2

11 14:00 Great Britain vs. Germany 6:6

12 15:30 Switzerland vs. Poland 8:4

13 18:30 Poland vs. Netherlands 4:9

14 19:30 Denmark vs. Germany 1:14

Sunday, 16 October 2005

15 09:00 Switzerland vs. Great Britain 5:1

16 12:00 Switzerland vs. Denmark 6:2 Semi Final

17 13:30 Germany vs. Netherlands 14:1 Semi Final

18 15:30 Great Britain vs. Poland 6:1 5th/6th Place

19 16:30 Denmark vs. Netherlands 3:1 3rd/4th Place

20 18:30 Switzerland vs. Germany 4:6 Final





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yeah that was a wicked tournament. i was there playing for the Great britain Junior (U18's) team. some wicked action schmitz and bak are truly awesome players!

I dont know why more players dont play IISHF or 'ball hockey'!

Great britain should have beaten Germany in the Group Stages though! :P

Germany with a powerplay for 5 minutes.... great britain winning 6-5 with 10 seconds to go.... germany pulls their goalie, and scores!

It was an awesome play though!

loved that weekend! :D

Did anyone else from here go?

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Well the GB senior team went without some key players inculding the captain who happens to be my coach.

Scanning through the pics ive seen a few players from our senior team.

I wish they made a GB youth team :ph34r:

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yeah there was quite a few players from the team, barry james, who i guess is you coach, and mick tanner couldnt get time off work. i think if we had the rest of the key players, the outcomes would have been a lot different!

But that said.... the standard of hockey from switzerland and germany was amazing.

EDIT: playa28, what team do you play for?

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Ash i play for London Street Warriors Youth

Yh if the seniors has had Barry James and Mick tanner thay would have done better. Mick is simply the best stick handler i have ever seen by far.

Ball hockey isnt more played over here alot of players play both puck and ball, but seeing as there arent to many rinks around alot of ball leagues are played in sports halls and the big competions in rinks.

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I've played against the tanner brothers, and the London Street Warriors once.

Nice guy's but we beat them 5-2 B)

Denmark's team was a joke, yet they finished third, heard they only beat GB because alot of the players were playing a puck tournament the same weekend. (e.g. Hallamshire)

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I play for a team called Starz, we won the European cup last year, by beating the Duisburg Ducks 5-4 (Schmidt & Bak's team) in the Final.

We've played against quite a few british teams, and I would say Hallamshire is the best one I've faced yet (besides the Titans).

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yeah mick tanner is pretty awesome! have u seen his stick blade though? its mashed! its like a toothpick with chunks out of it! hes an awesome player though.

its about time we got an iiSHF thread up! noones even heard of it!

Has any americans ever played to similar rules to the iishf?

With a ball, no offsides, full contact. it makes for an intense game!

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Austria will compete in international tournaments starting from 2006....

Maybe Sweden Aswell, Swedes only play puck while the Austrians play exactly the same game as the rest of IISHF.

If the European Championship is in Denmark next year the swedes will play and most likely Germany or Denmark will win.

And for you Brits, IMO Smurf Evans is probaly the best GB player i've faced...

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yeah smurfs good, but he doesnt play iishf. he just plays puck.

yeah i heard there should be quite a few more teams next year, which will make it good for me!

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